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Николай Камзин - The implementation of the economic cycle: freedom, trust, duty

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The implementation of the economic cycle: freedom, trust, duty
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Дата добавления:
12 декабрь 2018
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Николай Камзин - The implementation of the economic cycle: freedom, trust, duty

Николай Камзин - The implementation of the economic cycle: freedom, trust, duty краткое содержание

Николай Камзин - The implementation of the economic cycle: freedom, trust, duty - описание и краткое содержание, автор Николай Камзин, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки
Existentialism proclaims the idea of a man present, performing a search for meaning, making choices, self-determining in its relation to reality, possessing an active subjective entity. In the process of economic activity a person is faced with the action of their own will influence other areas of the will of the active agents. He needs arise that require his satisfaction, he is involved in the economic cycle, some of which sectors are investigated in this study, namely: entrepreneurship, as a consequence of the implementation of a new combination of natural factors, business risk as a source of entrepreneurial profit and a catalyst for economic activity, business as routine economic activities aimed at developing the existing building, international business, as economic activity is possible at a potential that is created by public constraints, international payments, as the movement of financial resources for a business, writ proceedings, as inevitable, the procedure of execution of mutual obligations with the participation of the public entity, collateral relations, as security relationships that create a safety buffer for the counterparty.

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The implementation of the economic cycle: freedom, trust, duty - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Николай Камзин
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Королев О.Г. Организация управленческого учета в коммерческом банке. – М.: Экономические науки. 2006. – С. 103.


Лаврушина О.И. Банковское дело. – М.: КНОРУС. 2009. – С. 132.


Библия. Первая книга Моисеева. Бытие. SGP. Box 516. – Chicago. IL 60690-0516 USA. 1990. – С. 22.


Maslov S.V. Modern tendency of bank system development in Russia // Аудит и финансовый анализ. 2008. № 4. С. 3. (Современный банк – это крупный конкурентоспособный банк с широким и гибким ассортиментом не только банковских, но и других финансовых услуг, приспособленных к потребностям различных групп клиентов).

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