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Mario Puzo - Крестный отец, часть 1. Английский язык с Марио Пьюзо.

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Крестный отец, часть 1. Английский язык с Марио Пьюзо.
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18 декабрь 2018
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Mario Puzo - Крестный отец, часть 1. Английский язык с Марио Пьюзо.

Mario Puzo - Крестный отец, часть 1. Английский язык с Марио Пьюзо. краткое содержание

Mario Puzo - Крестный отец, часть 1. Английский язык с Марио Пьюзо. - описание и краткое содержание, автор Mario Puzo, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки
Английский язык с с Крестным ОтцомТекст адаптирован (без упрощения текста оригинала) по методу Ильи Франка: текст разбит на небольшие отрывки, каждый и который повторяется дважды: сначала идет английский текст с «подсказками» — с вкрапленным в него дословным русским переводом и лексико-грамматическим комментарием (то есть адаптированный), а затем — тот же текст, но уже неадаптированный, без подсказок.Начинающие осваивать английский язык могут при этом читать сначала отрывок текста с подсказками, а затем тот же отрывок — без подсказок. Вы как бы учитесь плавать: сначала плывете с доской, потом без доски. Совершенствующие свой английский могут поступать наоборот: читать текст без подсказок, по мере необходимости подглядывая в подсказки.Запоминание слов и выражений происходит при этом за счет их повторяемости, без зубрежки.Кроме того, читатель привыкает к логике английского языка, начинает его «чувствовать».Этот метод избавляет вас от стресса первого этапа освоения языка — от механического поиска каждого слова в словаре и от бесплодного гадания, что же все-таки значит фраза, все слова из которой вы уже нашли.Пособие способствует эффективному освоению языка, может служить дополнением к учебникам по грамматике или к основным занятиям. Предназначено для студентов, для изучающих английский язык самостоятельно, а также для всех интересующихся английской культурой.Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка: www.franklang.ruОт редактора fb2. Есть два способа оформления транскрипции: UTF-LATIN и ASCII-IPA. Для корректного отображения UTF-LATIN необходимы полноценные юникодные шрифты, например, DejaVu или Arial Unicode MS. Если по каким либо причинам вас это не устраивает, то воспользуйтесь ASCII-IPA версией той же самой книги (отличается только кодированием транскрипции). Но это сопряженно с небольшими трудностями восприятия на начальном этапе. Более подробно об ASCII-IPA читайте в Интернете: - создание файла

Крестный отец, часть 1. Английский язык с Марио Пьюзо. читать онлайн бесплатно

Крестный отец, часть 1. Английский язык с Марио Пьюзо. - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Mario Puzo

Paulie Gatto knew everything there was to know about those two punks. Their names were Jerry Wagner and  Kevin Moonan. They were both about twenty years old, good-looking, brown-haired, tall, well-built. Both were due to go back to college (должны были, ожидалось, что; due – должный, ожидаемый) out of town in two weeks, both had fathers with political influence and this, with their college student classification (наряду со студенческим статусом), had so far kept them out of the draft (пока давало им возможность избежать призыва /в армию/; to draw – тащить, волочить). They were both also under suspended sentences for assaulting the daughter of Amerigo Bonasera (за попытку изнасилования; to assault [∂‘so:lt]– нападать, набрасываться). The lousy bastards (вшивые ублюдки), Paulie Gatto thought. Draft dodging (уклонение от призыва; to dodge – избегать, увертываться, уклоняться), violating their probation (нарушение своего условного срока, освобождения на поруки; to violate [‘vaı∂leıt] – нарушать, попирать) by drinking in a bar after midnight, chasing floozies (охота на шлюх; to chase – гнаться, преследовать, охотиться; floozie – шлюха /сленг/). Young punks. Paulie Gatto had been deferred from the draft himself (ему самому была предоставлена отсрочка; to defer [dı'f∂:] – задерживать, отсрочивать) because his doctor had furnished the draft board (предоставил комиссии; to furnish – снабжать, предоставлять) with documents showing that this patient, male, white, aged twenty-six, unmarried, had received electrical shock treatments (лечение, процедуры; to treat – обращаться; лечить) for a mental condition (состояние психики, психическое состояние; condition – условие; состояние, положение). All false of course, but Paulie Gatto felt that he had earned his draft exemption (что заработал свое освобождение /от армии/). It had been arranged by Clemenza after Gatto had "made his bones" («сделал свои кости» = прошел испытание, совершив преступление) in the family business.

It was Clemenza who had told him that this job must be rushed through (должно быть проделано очень быстро; to rush – делать бросок, нестись), before the boys went to college. Why the hell did it have to be done in New York (это должно быть сделано), Gatto wondered. Clemenza was always giving extra orders instead of just giving out the job. Now if those two little tramps walked out with the punks it would be another night wasted (потрачена зря; to waste – тратить /зря/).

He could hear one of the girls laughing and saying, "Are you crazy, Jerry? I'm not going in any car with you. I don't want to wind up in the hospital (кончить в госпитале; to wind up – сматывать, подтягивать, заканчивать; to wind – наматывать) like that other poor girl." Her voice was spitefully rich with satisfaction (был полон язвительного злорадства: «злорадно насыщен удовлетворением»; spiteful – злорадный, язвительный; spite – злоба, озлобленность). That was enough for Gatto. He finished up his beer and walked out into the dark street. Perfect. It was after midnight. There was only one other bar that showed light. The rest of the stores were closed (остальные магазины были закрыты; store – склад; магазин). The precinct patrol car (о /полицейской/ машине, патрулирующей участок; precinct [‘pri:sıŋkt]– административный округ, относящийся к определенному полицейскому участку) had been taken care of by Clemenza (позаботился). They wouldn't be around that way until they got a radio call (не заедут сюда, пока не получат вызова) and then they'd come slow (и даже тогда приедут медленно).

He leaned against the four-door Chevy sedan. In the back seat two men were sitting, almost invisible, although they were very big men. Paulie said, "Take them when they come out."

He still thought it had all been set up too fast (подготовлено, спланировано слишком быстро). Clemenza had given him copies of the police mug shots (полицейских фотографий; mug – /пивная/ кружка; /сленг/ лицо, рот; mug shot – фотография /сделанная в полиции/) of the two punks, the dope (подсказку; dope – густое смазывающее вещество, смазка; to dope up – /сленг/ выискивать, выяснять) on where the punks went drinking every night to pick up bar girls. Paulie had recruited two of the strong-arms (громил) in the family and fingered the punks for them (указал). He had also given them their instructions. No blows on the top or the back of the head (никаких ударов по темени или затылку), there was to be no accidental fatality (не должно быть никаких случайных несчастных случаев; fatality [f∂'tælıtı] – рок, обреченность, фатальность; смерть /от несчастного случая/). Other than that (в остальном же) they could go as far as they liked. He had given them only one warning: "If those punks get out of the hospital in less than a month, you guys go back to driving trucks."

The two big men were getting out of the car. They were both ex-boxers who had never made it past the small clubs (которым никогда не удалось выбраться за пределы маленьких клубов) and had been fixed up by Sonny Corleone (были обеспечены /долей/; to fixed up – организовать, уладить, договориться; дать приют) with a little loan-shark action (loan-shark – гангстер-ростовщик, человек, ссужающий деньги под грабительские проценты; to loan – одалживать, ссужать + shark – акула) so that they could make a decent living (достойное существование, достойный заработок). They were, naturally, anxious to show their gratitude (стремились показать свою благодарность; anxious [‘æŋk∫∂s] – озабоченный, беспокоящийся; сильно желающий /чего-либо/).

Paulie Gatto hated quickie jobs, especially when they involved violence. He liked to plan things ahead. And something like tonight, even though it was punk stuff, could turn into serious business if somebody made a mistake. Now, sipping his beer, he glanced around, checking how the two young punks were making out with the two little tramps at the bar.

Paulie Gatto knew everything there was to know about those two punks. Their names were Jerry Wagner and  Kevin Moonan. They were both about twenty years old, good-looking, brown-haired, tall, well-built. Both were due to go back to college out of town in two weeks, both had fathers with political influence and this, with their college student classification, had so far kept them out of the draft. They were both also under suspended sentences for assaulting the daughter of Amerigo Bonasera. The lousy bastards, Paulie Gatto thought. Draft dodging, violating their probation by drinking in a bar after midnight, chasing floozies. Young punks. Paulie Gatto had been deferred from the draft himself because his doctor had furnished the draft board with documents showing that this patient, male, white, aged twenty-six, unmarried, had received electrical shock treatments for a mental condition. All false of course, but Paulie Gatto felt that he had earned his draft exemption. It had been arranged by Clemenza after Gatto had "made his bones" in the family business.

It was Clemenza who had told him that this job must be rushed through, before the boys went to college. Why the hell did it have to be done in New York, Gatto wondered. Clemenza was always giving extra orders instead of just giving out the job. Now if those two little tramps walked out with the punks it would be another night wasted.

He could hear one of the girls laughing and saying, "Are you crazy, Jerry? I'm not going in any car with you. I don't want to wind up in the hospital like that other poor girl." Her voice was spitefully rich with satisfaction. That was enough for Gatto. He finished up his beer and walked out into the dark street. Perfect. It was after midnight. There was only one other bar that showed light. The rest of the stores were closed. The precinct patrol car had been taken care of by Clemenza. They wouldn't be around that way until they got a radio call and then they'd come slow.

He leaned against the four-door Chevy sedan. In the back seat two men were sitting, almost invisible, although they were very big men. Paulie said, "Take them when they come out."

He still thought it had all been set up too fast. Clemenza had given him copies of the police mug shots of the two punks, the dope on where the punks went drinking every night to pick up bar girls. Paulie had recruited two of the strong-arms in the family and fingered the punks for them. He had also given them their instructions. No blows on the top or the back of the head, there was to be no accidental fatality. Other than that they could go as far as they liked. He had given them only one warning: "If those punks get out of the hospital in less than a month, you guys go back to driving trucks."

The two big men were getting out of the car. They were both ex-boxers who had never made it past the small clubs and had been fixed up by Sonny Corleone with a little loan-shark action so that they could make a decent living. They were, naturally, anxious to show their gratitude.

When Jerry Wagner and Kevin Moonan came out of the bar they were perfect setups (они были в отличной форме, отлично подготовлены /для предстоящего/; setup – установка, наладка). The bar girl's taunts (насмешки; taunt [to:nt] – язвительное замечание) had left their adolescent vanity prickly (оставили их подростковую гордость в раздраженном состоянии; adolescent [æd∂u’lesnt]; vanity [‘vænıtı] – тщеславие; prick – шип, колючка). Paulie Gatto, leaning against the fender of his car (прислонившись к крылу своего автомобиля), called out to them with a teasing laugh (с дразнящим смехом, смешком), "Hey, Casanova, those broads really brushed you off (здорово те девки дали тебе от ворот поворот; brush – щетка; to brush off – смахнуть; отмахнуться, «послать»)."

The two young men turned on him with delight (повернулись и направились к нему с восторгом). Paulie Gatto looked like a perfect outlet for their humiliation (как отличная отдушина для их унижения, униженности; to humiliate [hju’mılıeıt] – унижать, оскорблять). Ferret-faced (с лицом, как у хорька), short, slightly built (тщедушно сложенный; slightly – слегка, незначительно) and a wise guy in the bargain (да еще и умник в придачу; bargain ['bα:gın] – сделка, соглашение). They pounced on him eagerly (они рьяно набросились на него; pounce – коготь /ястреба/; to pounce – хватать когтями; внезапно атаковать) and immediately found their arms pinned (захваченными, зажатыми; pin – любой продолговатый предмет для соединения, сцепления чего-либо; to pin – сцеплять, прикалывать; прижать, придавить) by two men grabbing them from behind (схватившими их сзади). At the same moment Paulie Gatto had slipped onto his right hand (незаметно взял; to slip – скользить) a specially made set of brass knuckles (металлический кастет; brass – медь; knuckle – сустав /пальца/; knuckles – кастет) studded (обитый, усеянный; stud – гвоздь /с большой шляпкой/, штифт) with one-sixteenth-inch iron spikes (железными шипами в одну шестнадцатую дюйма; inch = 2,5 см). His timing was good (расчет времени, координация /движений/), he worked out in the gym (в гимнастическом зале) three times a week. He smashed (двинул; to smash – наносить сокрушительный удар, разбивать вдребезги) the punk named Wagner right on the nose. The man holding Wagner lifted him up off the ground and Paulie swung his arm (размахнулся; to swing), uppercutting into the perfectly positioned groin (в удобно подставленный пах). Wagner went limp (обмяк; limp – мягкий, нежесткий) and the big man dropped him. This had taken no more than six seconds.

Now both of them turned their attention to Kevin Moonan, who was trying to shout. The man holding him from behind did so easily with one huge muscled arm. The other hand he put around Moonan's throat (вокруг горла) to cut off any sound.

Paulie Gatto jumped into the car and started the motor. The two big men were beating Moonan to jelly (до состояния желе). They did so with frightening deliberation (с пугающей рассчетливостью, неспешностью; deliberation – рассуждение, размышление; медлительность), as if they had all the time in the world. They did not throw punches in flurries (они не «бросали удары кулаком суетливыми движениями»; flurry – шквал /ветра/; волнение, спешка, суета) but in timed, slow-motion sequences (но с размеренной, как бы замедленной постепенностью, размеренными сериями /ударов/; sequence [‘si:kw∂ns] – последовательность, очередность; серия) that carried the full weight (которые несли полный вес) of their massive bodies. Each blow landed with a splat (всплеском, шлепком) of flesh splitting open (трескающейся, разбивающейся плоти). Gatto got a glimpse of Moonan's face. It was unrecognizable (неузнаваемо [Ln’rek∂gnaız∂bl]; to recognize [’rek∂gnaız] – узнавать). The two men left Moonan lying on the sidewalk (на боковой дорожке, тротуаре) and turned their attention to Wagner. Wagner was trying to get to his feet and he started to scream for help. Someone came out of the bar and the two men had to work faster now. They clubbed Wagner to his knees (ударами подняли на ноги; club – дубинка; to club – бить /напр. дубинкой/). One of the men took his arm and twisted it (вывернул), then kicked him in the spine (пнул ногой в позвоночник). There was a cracking sound (что-то хрустнуло; to crack – трещать, хрустеть) and Wagner's scream of agony brought windows open (заставил распахнуться окна) all along the street. The two men worked very quickly. One of them held Wagner up by using his two hands around Wagner's head like a vise (как тиски). The other man smashed his huge fist into the fixed target (в закрепленную цель). There were more people coming out of the bar but none tried to interfere (вмешаться [ınt∂'fı∂]). Paulie Gatto yelled, "Come on, enough (ладно, хватит)." The two big men jumped into the car and Paulie gunned it away (умчал ее, дал полный газ; to gun – /разг./ давать полный газ). Somebody would describe the car and read the license plates (license plate – номерной знак автомобиля) but it didn't matter. It was a stolen California plate and there were one hundred thousand black Chevy sedans in New York City.

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