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Lesoueff P. Op. cit. P. 78, 85, 87, 105.
Halberstam D. Op. cit. P. 542–545, 444.
Halberstam D. Op. cit. P. 370–371.
Hammel E. Op. cit. P. 265; Gugeler R.A. Op. cit. P. 54.
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Herubel M. La bataille des Ardennes, Decembre 1944 — Janvier 1945. Paris: Presses de La Cite, 1979. P. 97.
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Hammel E. Op. cit. P. 266.
Hastings M. Op. cit. P. 162.
Halberstam D. Op. cit. P. 510.
Hastings M. Op. cit. P. 205.
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Dem M. Mourir pour Cao Bang: le drame de la route coloniale N4. Albin Michel, 1978. P. 68.
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Еременко А.А. В начале войны. М.: Наука, 1965. С… 440.
Финский военный киножурнал Jatkosodan Katsaukset Hyökkäävät Kamerat Puolustusvoimat Estittää Katsaus 40.
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М.: ИД «Звонница-МГ», 2007.
Enemy tactics, Headquarters Eighth U.S. Army Korea 1951. P. 38.
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Japanese Tactics at Milne Bay // Intelligence Bulletin, June 1943. http://www.lonesentry.com/articles/jp-milne-bay/index.html
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Japanese tactics during the fighting on the Kokoda Trail in New Guinea appeared // Tactical and Technical Trends. No. 23, April 22, 1943. http://www.lonesentry.com/articles/ttt07/kokoda-trail.html
Japanese use of noise to confuse and demoralize Allied troops in the Pacific // Tactical and Technical Trends. No. 25, May 20, 1943. http://www.lonesentry.com/articles/ttt07/noise.html
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Коротков Г. Великий стратег XX века. М.: Палея, 1997. С. 64; Enemy tactics, Headquarters eighth U.S. army Korea (EUSAK). P. 41.
Enemy tactics in Korea // Field study. Dec 1951. P. 122. http://carlisle-www.army.mil/cgi-bin/usamhi/DL/metadoc.pl?docn; Combat information bulletin #1; headquarters eighth us army, Korea; P. 3.
М.: ФАИР-ПРЕСС, 2001. С. 333.
Enemy tactics, Headquarters EighthU.S.Army in Korea (EUSAK), p. 44 (косв.).
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Enemy tactics, Headquarters EighthU.S.Army in Korea (EUSAK), p. 41.
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Enemy tactics, Headquarters eighth U.S. army Korea (EUSAK), p. 39, 1951.
Enemy tactics, Headquarters EighthU.S.Army in Korea (EUSAK), p. 36; Combat information bulletin #1; headquarters eighth us army, Korea; s.e.
Enemy tactics, Headquarters EighthU.S.Army in Korea (EUSAK), p. 36.
Enemy tactics, Headquarters EighthU.S.Army in Korea (EUSAK), p. 36.
Combat information bulletin #1; headquarters eighth us army, Korea; s.k; Enemy tactics, Headquarters EighthU.S.Army in Korea (EUSAK), p. 38.
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The American Presidency Project. John T. Woolley & Gerhard Peters, Santa Barbara, California. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/print.php?pid=2503; Richard Nixon: Remarks on Awarding the Congressional Medal of Honor to Twelve Members of the Armed Services. May 14, 1970.
Нидермайер Г. Эсэсовская «гвардия» в бою: Фронтовые мемуары ветеранов 1-й танковой дивизии СС «Лейбштандарт Адольф Гитлер». М.: Яуза-пресс, 2011. С. 238.
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Bernage G. La bataille de l’Odon. P. 33.
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Daglish I. Over the battlefield. Operation Bluecoat. South Yorkshire: Pen and Sword Books Limited, 2009. P. 309, 240.
Brisset J. The Charge of the Bull The battle of 11th British Armoured Division for the Liberation of the Bocage Normandy 1944. Conde-sur-Noireau: Edition Charles Corlet, 2012. P. 308.
Saunders T. The Island Nijmegen to Arnhem September 1944. Barnsely, South Yorkshire: Pen and Sword Books Limited, 2002. P. 136.
Ambrose S.E. Citizen soldiers The US Army from the Normandy Beaches to the Surrender of Germany. London: Simon and Schuster UK Ltd, 2002. P. 164–165, 389, 489; Frorentin E. Stalingrad en Normandie. Paris: Presses de la Cite, 1965. P. 188.
Vannoy A.R. Against the Panzers: United States infantry versus German tanks, 1944–1945: a history of eight battles told through diaries, unit histories and interviews. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company, Inc., Publishers, 1996. P. 164.
Lee N. de. Paroles des combatants: La bataille des Ardennes. Bruxelles: Tournesol Conseil SA, 2009. P. 130.
Ambrose S.E. Sitizen Soldiers… P. 58.
Blackburn G.G. (в других случаях — Blackurn) The guns of Normandy: a soldier’s eye view, France 1944, McClelland and Stewart Ltd., Toronto, 1995, p.186, 258, 259, 345, 346; McManus J.C. The American at Normandy: the summer of 1944 — the American war from the Normandy beaches to Falaise. N. Y.: Tom Doherty Associates, 2004. P. 231–234, 248, 270, 389; Vannoy A.R. Op. cit. P. 10, 247, 248, 285, 287, 293, 296, 300, 317; Daglish I. Over the battlefield. Operation Bluecoat. P. 100, 134, 135, 236; Idem. Over the battlefield. Operation Goodwood. P. 45;,Mitcham S.W., Jr. (До этого было Witcham, как правильно? В Интернете с такими инициалами и Jr нет ни того, ни другого) The Siegfried line, The German Defense of the West Wall September-December 1944. Machanicsburg (PA): Stackpole books, 2009. P. 52, 106; Idem. Retreat to the Reich The German Deafeat in France, 1944. Michanicsburg (PA): Stackpole books, 2007. P. 90;Bernage G. La bataille de l’Odon. P. 27, 69, 151, 153, 156; Bernage G., Jeanne F. Objectif Falaise. Levallois-Perret: Heimdal, 2011. P.. 8; Jacquet S. La bataille de Tilly-sur-Seulles. Bayeux: Heimdal, 2008. P. 246, 247, 252, 263; Saunders T. Hell’s Highway. Barnsely, South Yorkshire: Pen and Sword Books Limited, 2011. P. 171; Rittgen F. Operation “Nordwind” 25 decembre 1944—25 janvier 1945. Sarreguemins: Imprimerie Pierron, 1984. P. 33, 37; Blackurn G.G. The guns of victory: a solier’s eye view. Belgium, Holland, and Germany, 1944–1945. Toronto: McClelland and Steward Ltd., 1996. P. 86, 303; Gaul R. The battle of the Bulge in Luxembourg. The Southern flank: December 1944 — January 1945. Vol. II. The Americans. Atglen (PA): Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1995. P. 158; Zuehlke M. The Liri Valley Canada’s World War II Breakthrough to Rome. Vancouver: Douglas and McIntyre, 2003. P. 247; Idem. Holding Juno Canada’s heroic defence of the D-Day Beaches: June 7—12, 1944. Vancouver: Douglas and McIntyre, 2005. P. 155; Brancion H. de. La campanie d’Italie 1943–1944 Artilleurs et fantassins francais. Mesnil-sur-l’Estree: Editions Presses de la Cite, 1995. P. 78, 299; Brisset J. The Charge of the Bull The battle of 11th British Armoured Division for the Liberation of the Bocage Normandy 1944. Conde-sur-Noireau: Edition Charles Corlet, 2012. P. 42, 100, 163.