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A Storm of Swords
Random House
Дата добавления:
1 сентябрь 2018
Количество просмотров:
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George Martin - A Storm of Swords

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George Martin - A Storm of Swords - описание и краткое содержание, автор George Martin, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки
As a whole, this series comprises a genuine masterpiece of modern fantasy, bringing together the best the genre has to offer. Magic, mystery, intrigue, romance, and adventure fill these pages and transport us to a world unlike any we have ever experienced. Already hailed as a classic, George R. R. Martin's stunning series is destined to stand as one of the great achievements of imaginative fiction.

Four contend for power over the Iron Throne and the Land of the Seven Kingdoms; alliances shift, and betrayal is always an option. House Lannister's head, Joffrey, rules uneasily. Joffrey's enemy, Lord Stannis, is disgraced and enthralled. Robb of House Stark still rules the North, implacable in his enmity towards his Lannister foes, even as they hold his sister hostage. And the exiled queen Daenerys, mistress of the world's last three dragons, makes her way across a blood-drenched continent. But as opposing forces maneuver for...

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A Storm of Swords - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор George Martin

—their children:

—ALEKYNE, heir to Brightwater,

—MELESSA, wed to Lord Randyll Tarly,

—RHEA, wed to Lord Leyton Hightower,

—his siblings:

—SER AXELL, castellan of Dragonstone,

—{SER RYAM}, died in a fall from a horse,

—Ser Ryam’s daughter, QUEEN SELYSE, wed to King Stannis Baratheon,

—Ser Ryam’s son, {SER IMRY}, commanding Stannis Baratheon’s fleet on the Blackwater, lost with the Fury,

—Ser Ryam’s second son, SER ERREN, held captive at Highgarden,


—Ser Colin’s daughter, DELENA, wed to SER HOSMAN NORCROSS,

—Delena’s son, EDRIC STORM, a bastard of King Robert I Baratheon, twelve years of age,

—Delena’s son, ALESTER NORCROSS, eight,

—Delena’s son, RENLY NORCROSS, a boy of two,

—Ser Colin’s son, MAESTER OMER, in service at Old Oak,

—Ser Colin’s son, MERRELL, a squire on the Arbor,

—his sister, RYLENE, wed to Ser Rycherd Crane.


Powerful, wealthy, and numerous, the Freys are bannermen to House Tully, but they have not always been diligent in their duty. When Robert Baratheon met Rhaegar Targaryen on the Trident, the Freys did not arrive until the battle was done, and thereafter Lord Hoster Tully always called Lord Walder “the Late Lord Frey.” It is also said of Walder Frey that he is the only lord in the Seven Kingdoms who could field an army out of his breeches.

At the onset of the War of the Five Kings, Robb Stark won Lord Walder’s allegiance by pledging to wed one of his daughters or granddaughters. Two of Lord Walder’s grandsons were sent to Winterfell to be fostered.

WALDER FREY, Lord of the Crossing,

—by his first wife, {LADY PERRA, of House Royce}:

—{SER STEVRON}, their eldest son, died after the Battle of Oxcross,

—m. {Corenna Swann, died of a wasting illness},

—Stevron’s eldest son, SER RYMAN, heir to the Twins,

—Ryman’s son, EDWYN, wed to Janyce Hunter,

—Edwyn’s daughter, WALDA, a girl of eight,

—Ryman’s son, WALDER, called BLACK WALDER,

—Ryman’s son, PETYR, called PETYR PIMPLE,

—m. Mylenda Caron,

—Petyr’s daughter, PERRA, a girl of five,

—m. {Jeyne Lydden, died in a fall from a horse},

—Stevron’s son, AEGON, a halfwit called JINGLEBELL,

—Stevron’s daughter, {MAEGELLE, died in childbed}, m. Ser Dafyn Vance,

—Maegelle’s daughter, MARIANNE, a maiden,

—Maegelle’s son, WALDER VANCE, a squire,

—Maegelle’s son, PATREK VANCE,

—m. (Marsella Waynwood, died in childbed},

—Stevron’s son, WALTON, m. Deana Hardyng,

—Walton’s son, STEFFON, called THE SWEET,

—Walton’s daughter, WALDA, called FAIR WALDA,

—Walton’s son, BRYAN, a squire,

—SER EMMON, m. Genna of House Lannister,

—Emmon’s son, SER CLEOS, m. Jeyne Darry,

—Cleos’s son, TYWIN, a squire of eleven,

—Cleos’s son, WILLEM, a page at Ashemark, nine,

—Emmon’s son, SER LYONEL, m. Melesa Crakehall,

—Emmon’s son, TION, a captive at Riverrun,

—Emmon’s son, WALDER, called RED WALDER, fourteen, a squire at Casterly Rock,

—SER AENYS, m. {Tyana Wylde, died in childbed},

—Aenys’s son, AEGON BLOODBORN, an outlaw,

—Aenys’s son, RHAEGAR, m. Jeyne Beesbury,

—Rhaegar’s son, ROBERT, a boy of thirteen,

—Rhaegar’s daughter, WALDA, a girl of ten, called WHITE WALDA,

—Rhaegar’s son, JONOS, a boy of eight,

—PERRIANE, m. Ser Leslyn Haigh,

—Perriane’s son, SER HARYS HAIGH,

—Harys’s son, WALDER HAIGH, a boy of four,

—Perriane’s son, SER DONNEL HAIGH,

—Perriane’s son, ALYN HAIGH, a squire,

—by his second wife, {LADY CYRENNA, of House Swann}:

—SER JARED, their eldest son, m. {Alys Frey},

—Jared’s son, SER TYTOS, m. Zhoe Blanetree,

—Tytos’s daughter, ZIA, a maid of fourteen,

—Tytos’s son, ZACHERY, a boy of twelve, training at the Sept of Oldtown,

—Jared’s daughter, KYRA, m. Ser Garse Goodbrook,

—Kyra’s son, WALDER GOODBROOK, a boy of nine,

—Kyra’s daughter, JEYNE GOODBROOK, six,

—SEPTON LUCEON, in service at the Great Sept of Baelor in King’s Landing,

—by his third wife, {LADY AMAREI of House Crakehall}:

—SER HOSTEEN, their eldest son, m. Bellena Hawick,

—Hosteen’s son, SER ARWOOD, m. Ryella Royce,

—Arwood’s daughter, RYELLA, a girl of five,

—Arwood’s twin sons, ANDROW and ALYN, three,

—LADY LYTHENE, m. Lord Lucias Vypren,

—Lythene’s daughter, ELYANA, m. Ser Jon Wylde,

—Elyana’s son, RICKARD WYLDE, four,

—Lythene’s son, SER DAMON VYPREN,

—SYMOND, m. Betharios of Braavos,

—Symond’s son, ALESANDER, a singer,

—Symond’s daughter, ALYX, a maid of seventeen,

—Symond’s son, BRADAMAR, a boy of ten, fostered on Braavos as a ward of Oro Tendyris, a merchant of that city,

—SER DANWELL, m. Wynafrei Whent,

—{many stillbirths and miscarriages},

—MERRETT, m. Mariya Darry,

—Merrett’s daughter, AMEREI, called AMI, a widow of sixteen, m. {Ser Pate of the Blue Fork},

—Merrett’s daughter, WALDA, called FAT WALDA, a wife of fifteen years, m. Lord Roose Bolton,

—Merrett’s daughter, MARISSA, a maid of thirteen,

—Merrett’s son, WALDER, called LITTLE WALDER, a boy of seven, taken captive at Winterfell while a ward of Lady Catelyn Stark,

—{SER GEREMY, drowned}, m. Carolei Waynwood,

—Geremy’s son, SANDOR, a boy of twelve, a squire to Ser Donnel Waynwood,

—Geremy’s daughter, CYNTHEA, a girl of nine, a ward of Lady Anya Waynwood,

—SER RAYMUND, m. Beony Beesbury,

—Raymund’s son, ROBERT, sixteen, in training at the Citadel in Oldtown,

—Raymund’s son, MALWYN, fifteen, apprenticed to an alchemist in Lys,

—Raymund’s twin daughters, SERRA and SARRA, maiden girls of fourteen,

—Raymund’s daughter, CERSEI, six, called LITTLE BEE,

—by his fourth wife, {LADY ALYSSA, of House Blackwood}:

—LOTHAR, their eldest son, called LAME LOTHAR, m. Leonella Lefford,

—Lothar’s daughter, TYSANE, a girl of seven,

—Lothar’s daughter, WALDA, a girl of four,

—Lothar’s daughter, EMBERLEI, a girl of two,

—SER JAMMOS, m. Sallei Paege,

—Jammos’s son, WALDER, called BIG WALDER, a boy of eight, taken captive at Winterfell while a ward of Lady Catelyn Stark,

—Jammos’s twin sons, DICKON and MATHIS, five,

—SER WHALEN, m. Sylwa Paege,

—Whalen’s son, HOSTER, a boy of twelve, a squire to Ser Damon Paege,

—Whalen’s daughter, MERIANNE, called MERRY, a girl of eleven,

—LADY MORYA, m. Ser Flement Brax,

—Morya’s son, ROBERT BRAX, nine, fostered at Casterly Rock as a page,

—Morya’s son, WALDER BRAX, a boy of six,

—Morya’s son, JON BRAX, a babe of three,

—TYTA, called TYTA THE MAID, a maid of twenty-nine,

—by his fifth wife, {LADY SARYA of House Whent}:

—no progeny,

—by his sixth wife, {LADY BETHANY of House Rosby}:

—SER PERWYN, their eldest son,

—SER BENFREY, m. Jyanna Frey, a cousin,

—Benfrey’s daughter, DELLA, called DEAF DELLA, a girl of three,

—Benfrey’s son, OSMUND, a boy of two,

—MAESTER WILLAMEN, in service at Longbow Hall,

—OLYVAR, squire to Robb Stark,

—ROSLIN, a maid of sixteen,

—by his seventh wife, {LADY ANNARA of House Farring}:

—ARWYN, a maid of fourteen,

—WENDEL, their eldest son, a boy of thirteen, fostered at Seagard as a page,

—COLMAR, promised to the Faith, eleven,

—WALTYR, called TYR, a boy of ten,

—ELMAR, formerly betrothed to Arya Stark, a boy of nine,

—SHIREI, a girl of six,

—his eighth wife, LADY JOYEUSE of House Erenford,

—no progeny as yet,

—Lord Walder’s natural children, by sundry mothers,


—Bastard Walder’s son, SER AEMON RIVERS,

—Bastard Walder’s daughter, WALDA RIVERS,

—MAESTER MELWYS, in service at Rosby,



The Lannisters of Casterly Rock remain the principal support of King Joffrey’s claim to the Iron Throne. They boast of descent from Lann the Clever, the legendary trickster of the Age of Heroes. The gold of Casterly Rock and the Golden Tooth has made them the wealthiest of the Great Houses. The Lannister sigil is a golden lion upon a crimson field. Their words are Hear Me Roar!

TYWIN LANNISTER, Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West, Shield of Lannisport, and Hand of the King,

—his son, SER JAIME, called THE KINGSLAYER, a twin to Queen Cersei, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, and Warden of the East, a captive at Riverrun,

—his daughter, QUEEN CERSEI, twin to Jaime, widow of King Robert I Baratheon, Queen Regent for her son Joffrey,

—her son, KING JOFFREY BARATHEON, a boy of thirteen,

—her daughter, PRINCESS MYRCELLA BARATHEON, a girl of nine, a ward of Prince Doran Martell in Dorne,

—her son, PRINCE TOMMEN BARATHEON, a boy of eight, heir to the Iron Throne,

—his dwarf son, TYRION, called THE IMP, called HALFMAN, wounded and scarred on the Blackwater,

—his siblings:

—SER KEVAN, Lord Tywin’s eldest brother,

—Ser Kevan’s wife, DORNA, of House Swyft,

—their son, SER LANCEL, formerly a squire to King Robert, wounded and near death,

—their son, WILLEM, twin to Martyn, a squire, captive at Riverrun,

—their son, MARTYN, twin to Willem, a squire, a captive with Robb Stark,

—their daughter, JANEI, a girl of two,

—GENNA, his sister, wed to Ser Emmon Frey,

—their son, SER CLEOS FREY, a captive at Riverrun,

—their son, SER LYONEL,

—their son, TION FREY, a squire, captive at Riverrun,

—their son, WALDER, called RED WALDER, a squire at Casterly Rock,

—{SER TYGETT}, his second brother, died of a pox,

—Tygett’s widow, DARLESSA, of House Marbrand,

—their son, TYREK, squire to the king, missing,

—{GERION}, his youngest brother, lost at sea,

—Gerion’s bastard daughter, JOY, eleven,

—his cousin, {SER STAFFORD LANNISTER}, brother to the late Lady Joanna, slain at Oxcross,

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