Basil Williams, S. 341, 388.
Huttenback, Racism and Empire, p. 16. Vgl. Hans Grimm, Heynade und England, Band I, S. 87 and Carl Peters, Grundung von Deutsch-Ostafrika, S. 30.
Huttenback, Racism and Empire, p. 17; Wolfgang Mock, «The functions of Race in imperialist ideologies…»: P. Kennedy & A. Nicholls (Hrsg.), Nationalist and racialist movements in Britain and Germany before 1914 (Oxford, 1981), p. 197, quoting R. Hyam, Britain's imperial Century (London, 1976), p. 329.
Лоусон Генри Арчибалд (1867–1922) — австралийский поэт и писатель.
Huttenback, Racism and Empire, p. 324–325.
Randall Bytwerk, Julius Streicher, p. 148.
The Church Missionary Intelligencer (sic), 1869, cited in Christine Bolt, Victorian attitudes to Race (London, 1971), S. 132; Richard Thurlaw, Fascism in Britain (Oxford, 1987), p. 17; John Morley, Life of Cobden (London, 1903), p. 97, quoting R. Bosworth Smith, Life of Lord Lawrence, II, p. 150f; D. C. Somervell, Geistige Stromungen in England im neunzehnten Jahrhundert (Bern, 1946), S. 286; J. Martin Evans, Milton's Imperial Epic. Paradise Lost and the discourse of Colonialism (Ithaca, USA, 1996), p. 146.
John Milton, Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, III, 183f: John Milton, The Works, Vol. II, I (New York, 1931), p. 84, Vol. IV, p. 691; Richard Hofstadter, Social Darwinism in American thought (Philadelphia, 1959), p. 10, cited in Wilhelm Muhlmann, Geschichte der Anthropologic (Wiesbaden, 1984), S. 111.
В оригинале: «ignorance, stupidity and brute-mindedness» (англ.).
Thomas Carlyle, Past and Present, Book III, Chapter xii (London, 1897), p. 201. Карлейль Томас. Теперь и прежде / Пер. Н. Горбова. М.; 1906.
Кингсли Чарлз (1819–1871) — англ. священник, поэт и романист, с 1869 г. каноник; в политическом плане — приверженец империализма.
Hughes, «Prefatory Memoir»: Alton Locke, S. xxiii, quoted by Walter Houghton, Victorian frame of mind 1830–1870 (New Haven, 1970), p. 214.
Речь идет об истреблении пиратов, не имевших пушек, при помощи артиллерии (прим. автора).
Charles Kingsley, His Letters and Memoirs of his Life (London, 1901), p. 23 If: letter of 30.XII.1849 to J. M. Ludlow.
Houghton, Victorian… mind, p. 213.
Lewis Wurgaft, The Imperial imagination, Magic and myth in Kipling's India (Midtown, Conn, USA, 1983), p. 97: William Kaye, History of the Sepoy War in India 1857–1858 (London, 1864), II, p. 208.
Kathryn Castle, Britannia's Children's Reading. Colonialism through children's books and magazines (Manchester, 1996), p. 42.
Хорнпайп (hornpipe — англ.) — название английского матросского танца.
Christopher Hibbert, The Great Mutiny. India 1957 (New York, 1982), pp. 311 (reference 6–7), 331 (reference 25), 317f (reference 25).
Ibid., pp. 382 (reference 41), 212 (reference 54), 214 (references 67–58); cf. Peter Stanley, White Mutiny. British military culture in India (New York, 1998), p. 86.
H. Alan C. Cairns, Prelude to Imperialism. British reactions to Central African society 1840–1890 (London, 1965), p. 299; Letter of D. R. Pelly to his parents, dated 12th and 29th of June 1896.
K. Tidrick, Empire and the English Character (London, 1992), p. 38.
J. A. Mangan, The Games Ethic and Imperialism (New York, 1985), p. 26.
Houghton, Victorian… mind, p. 211.
William Fitchett, Fights for the Flag (London, 1910), p. 233.
Houghton, p. 210.
Wahrhold Drascher, Die Vorherrschaft der weissen Rasse (Stuttgart und Berlin, 1936), S. 203.
Ibid., S. 204.
Ibid., S. 207.
Edward Young, «Ocean, an Ode», quoted in Carl August Weber, Englische Kulturideologie, Bd. I, (Stuttgart, 1941), S. 128.
Hans Ruhl, Disraelis Imperialismus und die Kolonialpolitik seiner Zeit (o.O., 1935), S. 53.
«Truly… ye come of The Blood» (англ.).
Hugh A. Mac Dougal, Racial Myth in English history. Trojan, Teutons and Anglo-Saxons (Montreal, 1982), p. 91.
Allen Greenberger, The British image of India. A study in the literature of Imperialism 1880–1920 (Oxford, 1969), p. 13.
C. A. Weber, Englische Kulturideologie, Bd. I, (Stuttgart, 1941), S. 128f, 28, 196fT.
Heinrich Himmler, Geheimreden, Hrsg. von F. Smith (Frankfurt, 1974), S. 237.
Hermann Rauschning, Gesprache mit Hitler (Zurich, 1940), S. 227.
Wilhelm Dibeliu, England, II (Leipzig, 1929) S. 70.
Jason P. Rosenblatt, Torah and Law in «Paradise Lost» (Boston, 1994), pp. 15, 64f, 82, 112; John Lily, Euphues — and his England, Edited by Edward Arber (Westminster, 1900), pp. 456, 451.
Samuel Purchas, His pilgrimage or relations of the World and the Religions observed… (London, 1613), pp. 625, 631, 632 quoted in David Armitage, Ideological origins of the British Empire (Cambridge, 2000), p. 85; William Symonds, Sermon for the Virginia Company: John Martin Evans, Milton's Imperial Epic. «Paradise Lost» and the Discourses of Colonialism (Ithaca, 1996), pp. 2 If.
Hans Kohn, Idee des Nationalismus. Ursprung und Geschichte (Heidelberg, 1950), S. 243, 245f.
John Milton, Works (New York, 1931), Vol. II, Part I, pp. 8, 425, 440: «Paradise Regained», II, 442–444, 36; Vol. II, Part II, p. 351; «Paradise Lost», XI, 155.
Advertisement for the Inexperienced Planters of New England (London, 1631), pp. 15f, quoted in Evans, Milton's Imperial Epic, p. 18.
Evans, pp. 18, 20.
John Milton, «On Reformation… Discipline in England» (1644): Milton, Complete Prose Works, Vol. I, (New Haven, USA, 1953), pp. 616–617; W. T. Stead, Last Will and Testament of Cecil Rhodes. Political and religious ideas of the Testator (London, 1902), p. 100.
C. A. Weber, Englische Kulturideologie, Bd. I, (Stuttgart, 1941), S. 128f, 28, 196ff: F. Giese und H. Gerber, «Religion und Politik in England»; Drascher, Vorherrschaft der weissen Rasse, S. 206f; David Armitage, Ideological origins of the British Empire (Cambridge, 2000), p. 99.
Drascher, Vorherrschaft der weissen Rasse, S. 206f.
F. Brie, Imperialistische Stromungen in der englischen Literatur (1928), S. 239, 240;
Hans Kohn, Idee des Nationalismus. Ursprung und Geschichte (Heidelberg, 1950), S. 851; R. Mac Donald, Language of Empire, p. 155.
R. MacDonald, Language of Empire, p. 141 120c. Alain and Cairns, Prelude to Imperialism, p. 242.
Hannah Arendt, Ursprunge und Elemente totaler Herrschaft (Frankfurt, 1955), S. 318f.
Wilhelm Dibelius, England (Leipzig, 1929), II. Halbband, S. 71; J. Morley, Life of Cobden, p. 674.
Sir John Kaye, The Administration of the West India Company (London, 1853), p. 660.
Hugh E. Egerton, Short history of British colonial policy (London, 1897), p. 496, zitiert nach Hans Kohn, Die Idee des Nationalismus. Ursprung und Geschichte bis zur Franzosischen Revolution (Heidelberg, 1950), S. 852.
H. Kohn, ibid., S. 852.
Лицемерие, ханжество (англ.).
Max Weber, The Protestant Ethics and the spirit of Capitalism, Translated by T. Parsons (London, 1968), p. 104, 122.
Dibelius, England II. Halbband, S. 72, 70.
Wilhelm Muhlmann, Chiliasmus und Nativismus. Studien zur Psychologie, Soziologie und historischen Kasuistik der Umsturzbewegungen (Heidelberg, 1961), S. 404.
Dibelius, England, II, S. 75, 201.
Ibid., S. 76.
Werner Roder, Deutsche sozialistische Exilgruppen in Grossbritannien 1940–1945 (Godeberg, 1973), S. 186–187.
Vgl. Manfred Messerschmidt & Fritz Wallner, Die Wehrmachtsjustiz im Dienste des Nationalsozialismus (Baden-Baden, 1987), S. 260f, 27If.
Hans W. Thost, Als Nationalsozialist in England (Munchen, 1939), S. 255.
ARD (Fernsehen) «Politmagazin Panorama» des NDR vom 12, September 1996, 21, 10 Uhr; Ian Slater and Douglas Batting, Nazi Gold. The story of the Grid's greatest Robbery — and its Aftermath (Edinburgh, 1998), pp. 337, 340, 342f, 349f, 353.
Hans Grimm, Heynade und England, Buch I, S. 83.
Carl Peters, Die Grundung von Deutsch-Ostafrika, S. 136.
Hans Grimm, Heynade und England, Buch III. Vgl. Neville Chamberlain on 1. November 1938: House of Commons, Debates, Bd. CCCXL, Col. 74, 88 in D. Aigner (wie Anm. 895) S. 334, 402.
Carl Peter, England und die Englander (Hamburg, 1915), S. 121.
Hitlers Tischgesprache (vom 18. April 1942, abends) im Fuhrerhauptquartier. Aufgezeichnet von Henry Picker. Hrsg. von Percy Ernst Schramm (Stuttgart, 1965), S. 280. Пикер. С. 209.
Тогда успехи немецкой военной пропаганды в деле фабрикования и распространения всяческих вымыслов были не столь значительными, по сравнению с успехами союзников (прим. автора).
Bill Schwarz (Editor), Expansion of England. Race, ethnicity and cultural history (London, 1996), p. 251; James Morgan Read, Atrocity Propaganda (New York, 1972), pp. 29ff, 35, 37, 44, 49, 53.
James Froude's novel «Cyril or Oceana» (1889), Chapter XVIII, cited by F. Brie, Imperialistische Stromungen in der englischen Literatur (Halle, 1928), S. 167.
Max Scheler, Der Genius des Krieges und der deutsche Krieg (Leipzig, 1915), S. 408: «Zur Psychologie des englischen Ethos und des cant».
Peter Marsch (Editor), The Conscience of the Victorian State (Syracuse, N. Y, USA, 1979), p. 2.
E. Wingfield-Stratford, History of British Patriotism (London, 1913), Vol. I, p. xxxiv, xxxvi f, xxiii.
The British Image of India, p. 131.
Стронг Джозия (1847–1916) — амер. теолог, пастор конгрегационистской церкви, в 1886–1898 гг. секретарь Евангелического союза США, в 1898–1902 гг. председатель Лиги за социальную службу.