Malinowski B. Coral Gardens and their Magic. A Study of Methods of Tilling the Soil and of Agricultural Rites in the Trobriand Islands.
Brown A.R. Andaman Islanders.
Radcliffe-Brown A.R. Method in Social Anthropology.
Radcliffe-Brown A.R. The Method in Ethnology and Social Anthropology // Radcliffe-Brown A.R. Method in Social Anthropology. P. 28.
См.: Malinowski B. Argonauts of the Western Pacific. An Account of Native Enterprise and Adventure in the Archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea. P. 6–7; Radcliffe-Brown A.R. The Present Position of Anthropological Studies // Radcliffe-Brown A.R. Method in Social Anthropology. P. 60.
Malinowski B. Argonauts of the Western Pacific. An Account of Native Enterprise and Adventure in the Archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea. P. XVI.
Radcliffe-Brown A.R. The Present Position of Anthropological Studies // Radcliffe-Brown A.R. Method in Social Anthropology. P. 60.
Malinowski B. Argonauts of the Western Pacific. An Account of Native Enterprise and Adventure in the Archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea. P. 11.
Ibid. P. 11.
Ibid. P. 3.
См.: Ibid. P. 11.
Radcliffe-Brown A.R. The Present Position of Anthropological Studies // Radcliffe-Brown A.R. Method in Social Anthropology. P. 58.
См.: Ковалев А.Д. Структурно-функциональный подход. С. 24; Sztompka P. Metoda funkcjonalna w sociołogii i antropołogii społecznej. S. 30.
Malinowski B. A Scientific Theory of the Culture and other Essays. P. 129.
См.: Malinowski B. Argonauts of the Western Pacific. An Account of Native Enterprise and Adventure in the Archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea. P. 13; Brown A.R. Andaman Islanders. P. 231.
См.: Malinowski B. Coral Gardens and their Magic. A Study of Methods of Tilling the Soil and of Agricultural Rites in the Trobriand Islands. V. I. P. 321; Radcliffe-Brown A.R. The Present Position of Anthropological Studies // Radcliffe-Brown A.R. Method in Social Anthropology. P. 56.
См.: Malinowski B. Coral Gardens and their Magic. A Study of Methods of Tilling the Soil and of Agricultural Rites in the Trobriand Islands. V. I. P. 321; Radcliffe-Brown A.R. A Natural Science of Society. P. 28.
См.: Ольдерогге Д. А., Потехин И.И. Функциональная школа в этнографии на службе империализма. С. 15; Токарев С.А. История зарубежной этнографии. С. 230 и др.
См.: Kaberry P.M. Malinowski’s Contribution to Field-work Method and the Writings of Ethnography // Man and Culture. P. 71–80; Leach E.R. The Epistemological Background of Malinowski’s Empiricism // Ibid. P. 120; Parsons T. Malinowski and the Theory of Social System // Ibid. P. 53; Uberoi J.P. Singh. Politics of the Kula Ring. An Analysis of the Findings of Bronislaw Malinowski. Manchester, 1962. P. XIII и др.
См.: Malinowski B. Coral Gardens and their Magic. A Study of Methods of Tilling the Soil and of Agricultural Rites in the Trobriand Islands. V. I. P. 241, 452, 462.
Radcliffe-Brown A.R. The Social Organization of Australian Tribes // Oceania. 1930–1931. V. I. № 1–4.
См.: Берндт Р. М., Берндт К.Х. Мир первых австралийцев. М. 1981. С. 60.
Elkin A.P. Obituary Note on Radcliffe-Brown // Oceania. 1956. V. XXXI. № 1. P. 247.
Характеристику полевых работ Рэдклифф-Брауна см.: Kuper A. Anthropologists and Anthropology. P. 56–61.
См., например: The Founding Fathers of Social Science. Ed. by T. Raison. Harmondsworth, 1969; Merton R. On Theoretical Sociology.
Аверкиева Ю. П. Этнография и культурная социальная антропология на Западе // СЭ. 1971. № 5. С. 14–16.
Подробнее см.: Никишенков А. А. Функционализм Малиновского и проблема изучения родства, брака и семьи в доклассовом обществе // Вестник Московского университета. 1981. Сер. История. № 5. С. 59.
См.: Malinowski B. The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia. An Ethnographic Account of Courtship, Marriage and Family Life among the Natives of the Trobriand Islands. British New Guinea. P. 434.
Malinowski B. A Scientific Theory of the Culture and other Essays. P. 101.
Malinowski B. Preface // Firth R. We, the Tikopia.
См.: Ibid. P. VIII.
Ibid. P. X.
См.: Malinowski B. The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia. An Ethnographic Account of Courtship, Marriage and Family Life among the Natives of the Trobriand Islands. British New Guinea. P. 442–444.
Malinowski B. Sex and Repression in Savage Society. P. 121.
Malinowski B. Sir James George Frazer: A Biographical Appreciation // A Scientific Theory of the Culture and Other Essays. P. 208.
См.: Powel H.A. Genealogy, Residence and Kinship in Kirivina // Man. 1969. V. 4.
Malinowski B. Coral Gardens and their Magic. A Study of Methods of Tilling the Soil and of Agricultural Rites in the Trobriand Islands. V. I. P.200.
Malinowski B. Crime and Custom in Savage Society. P. 101.
Malinowski B. Sex and Repression in Savage Society. P. 221.
Malinowski B. Coral Gardens and their Magic. A Study of Methods of Tilling the Soil and of Agricultural Rites in the Trobriand Islands. V. I. P. 324.
См.: Malinowski B. The Ethnography of Malinowski. The Trobriand Islands. 1915–1918. Ed. by M.W. Young. L., 1979. P. 93.
Malinowski B. Coral Gardens and their Magic. A Study of Methods of Tilling the Soil and of Agricultural Rites in the Trobriand Islands.
Malinowski B. Coral Gardens and their Magic. A Study of Methods of Tilling the Soil and of Agricultural Rites in the Trobriand Islands. V. I. P. X.
См. схему земельной собственности: Malinowski B. Coral Gardens and their Magic. A Study of Methods of Tilling the Soil and of Agricultural Rites in the Trobriand Islands. V. I. P. 339.
Malinowski B. Crime and Custom in Savage Society. P. 25.
Ibid. P. 25–26.
Malinowski B. Kinship // Encyclopaedia Britanica (14 ed.). L., 1946. V. 13. P. 402.
См.: Malinowski B. Crime and Custom in Savage Society. P. 36–37.
См.: Malinowski B. Coral Gardens and their Magic. A Study of Methods of Tilling the Soil and of Agricultural Rites in the Trobriand Islands. V. I. P. 209.
См.: Malinowski B. Kinship. P. 404.
См.: Malinowski B. Crime and Custom in Savage Society. P. 35.
Malinowski B. Kinship. P. 404.
См.: Malinowski B. Preface // Firth R. We, the Tikopia. P. IX.
См.: Hogbin H.J. Kinship and Marriage in a New Guinea Village. L., 1963. P. 103.
Kaberry P.M. The Abelam Tribe // Oceania. 1941. V. XI. № 3. 242.
См.: Makarius R., Makarius L. L’origine de l’exogamy et du totemisme. Paris, 1962. P. 91–133.
См.: Бутинов Н.А. Типология родства // Проблемы типологии в этнографии. М., 1979. С. 66–74; он же. Общинно-родовой строй мотыжных земледельцев (по материалам Новой Гвинеи и Северо-Западной Меланезии) // Ранние земледельцы. Л., 1980. С. 110–143.
См.: Malinowski B. Kinship. P. 405.
Malinowski B. Argonauts of the Western Pacific. An Account of Native Enterprise and Adventure in the Archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea. P. 73.
Malinowski B. Culture // Encyclopaedia of Social Sciences. P. 637.
Malinowski B. Magic, Science and Religion and other essays. P. 70.
См.: Malinowski B. Magic, Science and Religion and other essays. P. 32.
Ibid. P. 69.
См.: Ibid. P. 67.
См.: Фейербах Л. Избранные философские произведения. Т. 2. М. 1955. С. 448–449.
Энгельс Ф. Антидюринг. Переворот в науке, произведенный господином Евгением Дюрингом // Маркс К., Энгельс Ф. Соч. Т. 20. С. 329.
См.: Маркс К., Энгельс Ф. К критике гегелевской философии права. Введение // Маркс К., Энгельс Ф. Соч. Т. 1. С. 415.
См.: Malinowski B. Baloma. The Spirits of the Dead in the Trobriand Islands // Malinowski B. Magic, Science and Religion and other essays. P. 215.
Дискуссию по этому вопросу см.: Громов Г.Г. Некоторые спорные вопросы изучения религии // СЭ. 1980. № 5; Крывелев И.А. О существенном и несущественном в изучении религии // СЭ. 1980. № 1; Муравьев Ю.А. Религия: вера, иллюзия, знание // СЭ. 1980. № 4; Семенов Ю.И. О сущности религии // СЭ. 1980. № 2; Токарев С.А. О религии как социальном явлении // СЭ. 1979. № 3; Шердаков В.П. О главном в понимании религии // СЭ. 1980. № 2 и др.
Malinowski B. Baloma. The Spirits of the Dead in the Trobriand Islands // Malinowski B. Magic, Science and Religion and other essays. P. 215.
Ibid. P. 213.
Яблоков И.Н. Социология религии. С. 115.
См.: Malinowski B. Magic, Science and Religion and other essays. P. 9–11.
См.: Nadel S. Malinowski on Magic and Religion // Man and Culture. P. 206.
Подробнее см.: Мелетинский Е. М. Поэтика мифа. М., 1976. Гл. 1.