Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus, lines 1354-65.
Илиада, III:158.
Перевод В. Я. Брюсова. (Edgar Alan Рое, «То Helen», 1848).
Илиада, III:164-165.
J.W. von Goethe, Faust Part II, lines 8838-8840.
J.W. von Goethe, Faust Part II, line 6197.
J.W von Goethe, Die Leiden des Jungen Werther, I.
J.W von Goethe, Dichtung und Wahrheit in Werke, Band 9, textkritisch durchgesehen von Liselotte Blumenthal und kommentiert von Erich Trunz (C.H. Beck: München, 1981).
Friedrich Nietzsche, «What I Owe to the Ancients» 2, in Twillight of the Gods, in The Portable Nietzsche, edited and translated by Walter Kaufman (Penguin Books: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1954).
Friedrich Nietzsche, «Homer und die klassische Philologie» in Werke in drei Banden, herausgegeben von Karl Schlechta (Carl Hanser Verlag: München, 1973).
Friedrich Nietzsche, «Homer Contest» in The Portable Nietzsche.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Birth of Tragedy Out of the Spirit of Music, translated by Shaun Whiteside, edited by Michael Tanner, new revised edition (Penguin Books; London and New York, 2003).
Friedrich Nietzsche, Birth of Tragedy.
Leslie Chamberlain, Nietzsche in Turin (Quartet Books: London, 1996).
Sigmund Freud, «Our Attitude Towards War» in Civilization, Society and Religion, Group Psychology, Civilization and its Discontents and Other Works, translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey (Penguin Books: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1958).
Peter Gay, Freud: A Life for Our Time (W.W. Norton and Co.: New York and London, 1988).
Одиссея, XI:484-486.
Илиада, XXI:110-113.
Peter Gay, Freud: A Life for Our Time.
Цит. по: Peter Gay, Freud: A Life for Our Time.
Peter Gay, Freud: A Life for Our Time.
Sigmund Freud, «Our Attitude Towards War».
Sigmund Freud, «Moses and Monotheism» [1939] in The Origins of Religion translated from the German under the general editorship of James Strachey (Penguin Books: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1985).
Bruno Bettelheim, Freud and Man's Soul (Alfred A. Knopf: New York, 1983).
Carl Gustav Jung, «On the Relation of Analytical Psychology to Poetry» in The Spirit in Man, Art and Literature, translated by H.G. Baynes (Princeton University Press: Princeton, 1966).
Илиада, XXIV:592-595.
Перевод Лидии Кисляковой (Rupert Brook, The Collected Poems).
Heinrich Schliemann, Troy and Its Remains: A Narrative of Researches and Discoveries Made on the Site of Illium and in the Trojan Plain, edited by Philip Smith [translated by L. Dora Schmitz, 1875] (Arno Press: New York, 1976).
Michael Wood, In Search of the Trojan War (BBc Books: London, 1985).
Цит. по: Philip Smith's Introduction to Heinrich Schliemann, Troy and Its Remains.
Samuel Butler, The Authoress of the Odyssey: Who and What She Was, When and Where She Wrote [1897], Second Edition With a New Preface by Henry Festing Jones (Jonathan Cape: London, 1922).
Одиссея, IX:21-26.
Robert Bittlestone, Odysseus Unbond: The Search for Homer's Ithaca (Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, 2006).
Samuel Butler, The Authoress of the Odyssey.
Moses Finley, The World of Odysseus [1956] {Pelican Books: Harmondsworth, Middlesex and New York, 1962).
J.W. von Goethe, Dichtung and Wahrheit.
Samuel Butler, The Notebooks, Selections arranged and edited by Henry Festing Jones (Jonathan Cape: London, 1912).
T. E. Lawrence «Translator's Note» in The Odyssey of Homer.
Margaret Atwood, The Penelopiad: The Myth of Penelope and Odysseus (Canongate: Edinburgh and New York, 2005).
Samuel Butler, The Authoress of the Odyssey.
Margaret Atwood, The Penelopiad.
Одиссея, XXII:468-469.
Mary Josefa MacCarthy, A Nineteenth-Century Childhood (William Heinemann: London, 1924).
Пер. А. Щербакова (Rudyard Kipling, «When ‘Omer Smote ‘Is Bloomin’ Lyre» in The Seven Seas).
Durs Grunbein, Galilei vermisst Dante Holle und bleibt an den Massen Hangen (Suhrkamp Verlag: Frankfurt am-Main, 1996).
Цит. по Richard Ellman, James Joyce, new and revised edition (Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York, 1982).
W.B. Yeats, «The Autumn of the Body» in Ideas of Good and evil, quoted by Richard Ellmann, The Consciousness of Joyce (Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York, 1977).
Cf. Richard Ellmann, James Joyce.
Vladimir Nabokov, «Ulisses» in Lectures on Literature, edited by Fredson Bowers, introduction by John Updike (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich: New York and London, 1980).
Пер. С. Хоружий, В.А. Хинкис, эпизод 12.
Пер. М.Л. Гаспарова (А.Е. Housman, «Fragment of a Greek Tragedy» [1883]).
Цит. по Richard Ellmann, James Joyce.
Neither story is in Homer: Ulisses' is told by Hyginus, Fabulae 95, Achiles' in Apollodurus (attr.) The Library. Cf. Robert Graves, The Greek Myths, revised edition (Penguin Books: Harmondsworth, Middlesex and New York, 1960).
Odyssey, III:265-268 [цит. по англоязычной версии Р. Фаглза, перевод на русский Лидии Кисляковой].
Alfonso Reyes, «Odiseo» en Algunos ensayos, prologo у seleccion Emmanuel Carballo (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico: Mexico, 2002).
Michael Grant, History of Rome (Weidenfeld and Nicholson: London, 1978).
Virgil, Aeneid, II.
Одиссея XI:122
Dante Alighieri, Commedia, Inferno, XXVI:90-142.
Пер. Илья Мандель (Alfred, Lord Tennyson, «Ulisses»).
Пер. Лидии Кисляковой (Nikos Kazantzakis, The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel).
Илиада, VI.
Пер. Лидии Кисляковой (José Hernández, Martin Fierro, «La vuelta de Martin Fierro» 15:2319-2324).
Victor Bérard, Les Pheniciens et I'Odysee 2 volumes, (Armand Colin: Paris, 1902—1903).
Richard Ellmann, The Consciousness of Joyce.
James Joyce, Ulysses.
George K. Anderson, The Legend of the Wandering Jew, third printing (Brown University Press: Hanover and London, 1991). По мнению Андерсона, ассоциировать Блума с Вечным Жидом — это чрезмерное упрощение.
Одиссея, I:73-74.
Samuel Johnson, A Preface to Shakespeare [1765] in The Major Works, edited by Donald Greene (Oxford University Press: Oxford and New York, 2000).
Jean Paulhan and Dominique Aury, ed. La partie se fait tous jours (Editions de Miniut: Paris, 1947).
Jean Giraudoux, La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu in Théatre complet, ed. Jacques Body (Gallimard: Paris, 1982).
Цит. по Colette Weil in «Preface» in Jean Giraudoux, La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu.
Cf. Marie-Jeanne Durry, L'Universde Giraudoux (Mercure de France: Paris, 1961).
Jean Giradoux, «Bellac et la tragedie» quoted in Colette Weil in «Preface» in Jean Giradoux, La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu.
Marguerite Yourcenar, Lesyeux ouverts: entretiens avec Mathieu Galey (Editions du Centurion: Paris, 1980).
Doris Lessing, African laughter: Four Visits to Zimbabwe (Harper Collins: London, 1992).
Derek Walcott, The Antilles: Fragments of Epic Memory: The Nobel Lecture (Farrar, Straus and Giroux: New York, 1993).
Одиссея, XI:1.
Derek Walcott, Omeros, I:1 (Faber and Faber: London, 1990).
Эзра Лумис Паунд — американский поэт XX века, один из основоположников англоязычной модернистской литературы, издатель и редактор (прим. пер.).
Ezra Pound, The Cantos, I:1, revised edition (Faber and Faber: London, 1975).
Derek Walcott, Omeros, III:27.
Пер. Лидии Кисляковой (Derek Walcott, Omeros, III).
Пер. Лидии Кисляковой (Omeros, I).
Italo Calvino, Perche leggere I classici (Arnoldo Mondadory: Milano, 1991).
Пер. А. Калининой (C. P. Cavafy, «Trojans»).
Пер. Лидии Кисляковой (C. P. Cavafy, «Ithaca»).
Пер. В. Некляева (C. P. Cavafy, «The City»).