Willi Dressen, «Gott mit uns». Deutscher Vernichtungskrieg im Osten (Frankfurt, 1989), S. 34.
Carthill, Verlorene Herrschaft, S. 98; Aл. Картхилль. Потерянная империя: Почему англичане потеряли Индию. Повесть англо-индийского администратора. С. 77.
Ibid., S. 98; Там же.
Ibid., S. 92F; Taм же.
Ibid., S. 89; Там же.
Ibid., S. 88.
Hitler, Monologe, S. 96: 19. und 21. Oktober 1941.
Carthill, S. 85; K. Tidrick, Empire and the English Character, p. 237.
Otto-Ernst Schuddekopf, Fascism (London, 1973), p. 31.
Дреннан Джеймс: псевд., настоящее имя – Аллен Уильям Эдвард Дэвид (1901–1973) – англ. историк и публицист.
James Drennan, Der britische Faschismus und sein Ftihrer (Berlin, 1934), S. 217.
David Baker, Ideology of Obsession, A. K. Chesterton and British Fascism (1996), p. 169; Sir Oswald Mosley, The Greater Britain (London, 1934), p. 20; Richard Thurlow, Fascism in Britain, A history 1918–1985 (Oxford, 1987), p. 249f.
Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Lebenswege meines Denkens (Munchen, 1942), S. 29; Geoffrey G. Field, Houston Stewart Chamberlain: Prophet of Bayreuth (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 1975: University Microfilm), p. xiii, 3f, 481; Peter Stanley, The White Mutiny… in India (New York, 1998), p. 95.
Thurlow, Fascism in Britain, p. 249.
Colin Cross, Fascists in Britain (New York, 1961), p. 179.
A. K. Chesterton, Oswald Mosley. Portrait of a leader (London, 1937), p. 168.
Richard Griffiths, Fellow-travellers of the Right. British enthusiasts for Nazi Germany (Oxford, 1983), p. 86.
Эйткен Уильям Максуэлл, первый барон Бивербрук – англ. гос. деятель (консерватор, неоднократно занимал министерские посты) и владелец газетного концерна «London express newspapers limited».
Thurlow, Fascism in Britain, p. 5, 249, quotes: D. A. Baker, «A. Chesterton. The making of a British Fascist»: Dissertation of the University of Sheffield (1982), p. 268–277, 331–334.
Thurlow, Fascism in Britain, p. 278–279.
Ibid., p. 253.
Ibid., p. 249f.
Griffiths, Fellow-travellers of the Right, p. 86.
Thurlow, Fascism in Britain, p. 53.
Colin Cros, Fascists in Britain, p. 98, 61; T. Kushner and K. Lunn, Traditions of Intolerance… race discourse in Britain (Manchester, 1989), p. 151.
Уильям Джойс (1906–1945) – натурализованный американец, в 1938 г. получил британский паспорт, потом поступил на геббельсовское радио; в 1945 г. повешен как изменник родины.
Ibid., p. 171f, zitiert William Joyce, National Socialism Now (1937); W. A. Rossignol, «Why try Democracy»: Indian Empire Review (April, 1933), quoted in G. C. Webber, Ideology of the British Right (London, 1980), p. 130; Rebecca West, The Meaning of Treason (London 1949/2000), p. 134f.
Drennan, Der britische Faschismus, S. 205.
Colin Cross, Fascists in Britain, p. 53.
Ibid., p. 29; Sir Oswald Mosley, The Greater Britain (London, 1934), p. 146f.
Kincaid, British social life in India, p. 317.
Action vom 17. September 1936, cited in: Gisela Lebzelter, Political Antisemitism in England 1918–1939 (Oxford, 1978), p. 97.
Hannah Arendt, Elemente und Ursprunge totaler Herrschaft, S. 306f.
D. S. Lewis, Mosley, Fascism and British society 1931–1981 (Manchester, 1987), p. 182, quotes: William Joyce, Fascism and India (British Union of Fascists Publication: London, 1935), p. 2.
Gisela Lebzelter, «Henry Hamilton Beamish and The Britons», in: Kenneth Lunn & Richard C. Thurlow; British Fascism, Essays on the radical Right in interwar Britain (London, 1980), p. 44f, 48f; Thurlow, Fascism in Britain, p. 10, 5.
John Clarice, The Call of the Sword (London, Financial News, 1917), p. 10–11, 28.
The Times (London) of 17. October 1917 and 2. July 1918: Colin Holmes, Antisemitism in British society 1876–1939 (London, 1979), p. 139, cited in: G. R. Searle, Corruption in British Politics 1895–1930 (Oxford, 1987), p. 247–248; Lebzelter, «Henry Hamilton Beamish and The Britons», in: Kenneth Lunn & Richard C. Thurlow; British Fascism. Essays on the radical Right in interwar Britain (London, 1980), p. 50.
Searle, Corruption in British Politics, p. 336ff, 345.
Kenneth Lunn & R, Thurlow, British Fascism. An essay on the radical Right in interwar Britain (London, 1980), p. 42, 10; Lebzelter, «Henry Hamilton Beamish and The Britons», in: Kenneth Lunn & Richard C. Thurlow; ibid, p. 65; Lebzelter, Politial Antisemitism in England 1918–1939 (Oxford, 1978), p. 58, 188, quotes: «Jewry uber alles», in: Hidden Hand, I, Nr. 3 (April 1920); II, Nr. 3 (April 1921), p. 1.
Lebzelter, ibid., p. 52, 54; Colin Cross, Fascists in Britain, p. 120, 125; Barry A. Kosmin, Colonial Careers for marginal fascists. Portrait of Hamilton Beamish: Wiener Library Bulletin, XXVII, No. 30/31 (London, 1973/74), p. 17–18, 22f.
Missed footnotetext.
Missed footnotetext.
Hans Grimm, Heynade und England, S. 103; Thurlow, Fascism in Britain, p. 49.
Gisela C. Lebzelter, «Antisemitism – a focal point for the British radical Right»: Paul Kennedy & A. Nicholls (Hrsg.), Nationalist and racialist movements in Britain before 1914 (Oxford, 1981), p. 97, 99.
G. C. Webber, Ideology of the British Right, 1918–1939 (London, 1980), p. 58, 69.
Robert Wilton, in: The Times (London) of 8. May 1920,