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Словарь американских идиом: 8000 единиц
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Adam Makkai - Словарь американских идиом: 8000 единиц

Adam Makkai - Словарь американских идиом: 8000 единиц краткое содержание

Adam Makkai - Словарь американских идиом: 8000 единиц - описание и краткое содержание, автор Adam Makkai, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки
Это обновленное и дополненное издание, содержащее более 8000 идиоматическихслов и выражений, причем каждое из которых снабжено грамматическим объяснениеми практическим примером. Словарь содержит лексемные идиомы, фразеологическиеединицы и поговорки, имеющие особенное значение. В нем приведены наиболееупотребительные выражения только американского английского языка. Этот словарь — идеальное пособие для студентов, часто разъезжающих бизнесменов и простопутешественников.

Словарь американских идиом: 8000 единиц читать онлайн бесплатно

Словарь американских идиом: 8000 единиц - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Adam Makkai

[on the side]{adv. phr.}, {informal} 1. In addition to a main thing, amount or quantity; extra. •/He ordered a hamburger with onions and French fries on the side./ •/His job at the hospital did not pay much, so he found another on the side./ •/The cowboys in the rodeo competed for prize money and also made bets on the side./ 2. or [on the --- side] Tending toward; rather. •/Grandmother thought Jane’s new skirt was on the short side./

[on the sly]{adv. phr.} So that other people won’t know; secretly. •/The boys smoked on the sly./ •/Mary’s mother did not approve of lipstick, but Mary used it on the sly./

[on the spot]{adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. or [upon the spot] At that exact time and at the same time or place; without waiting or leaving. •/The news of important events is often broadcast on the spot over television./ •/When Tom ruined an expensive machine, his boss fired him on the spot./ Compare: AT ONCE, IN ONE’S TRACKS, THEN AND THERE. 2. {informal} also [in a spot] In trouble, difficulty, or embarrassment. •/Mr. Jones is on the spot because he cannot pay back the money he borrowed./ •/Bill is on the spot; he invited George to visit him, but Bill’s parents said no./ Compare: BACK TO THE WALL. 3. {slang} In danger of murder; named or listed for death. •/After he talked to the police, the gangsters put him on the spot./

[on the spur of the moment]{adv. phr.} On a sudden wish or decision; suddenly; without thought or preparation. •/John had not planned to take the trip; he just left on the spur of the moment./ •/Mary saw a help-wanted advertisement and applied for the job on the spur of the moment./

[on the stage]{adv.} or {adj. phr.} In or into the work of being an actor or actress. •/John’s brother is on the stage./ •/Mary went on the stage./

[on the strength of]{prep.} With faith or trust in; depending upon; with the support of. •/On the strength of Jim’s promise to guide us, we decided to climb the mountain./ •/Bill started a restaurant on the strength of his experience as a cook in the army./

[on the string] or [on a string] {adv. phr.}, {informal} Under your influence or control; obedient to every wish. •/The baby had his mother on a string./ •/She was pretty and popular, with two or three boys on the string all the time./

[on the take]{adv. phr.} Bribable; corrupt. •/Officer O’Keefe was put on three months' probation because it was alleged that he was on the take./

[on the tip of one’s tongue]{adv. phr.} About to say something, such as a name, a telephone number, etc., but unable to remember it for the moment. •/"His name is on the tip of my tongue," Tom said. "It will come to me in a minute."/

[on the town]{adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} In or into a town to celebrate; having a good time or enjoying the amusements in a town. •/When the sailors got off their ship they went out on the town./ Compare: PAINT THE TOWN RED.

[on the track of] or [on the trail of] Hunting or looking for; trying to find; following. •/The hunter is on the track of a deer./ •/The lawyer is on the trail of new proof in the case./ •/Jim collects old stamps; he is on the track of one in Midville this afternoon./

[on the trail of] See: ON THE TRACK OF.

[on the trigger] See: QUICK ON THE TRIGGER.

[on the up and up]{adj. phr.}, {informal} Honest; trustworthy; sincere. •/We felt that he was honest and could be trusted. This information is on the up and up./ Compare: ON THE LEVEL.

[on the vine] See: DIE ON THE VINE or WITHER ON THE VINE.

[on the wagon]{adv. phr.} Participating in an alcohol addiction program; not touching any alcoholic beverage. •/Jim’s doctor and his family finally managed to convince him that he was an alcoholic and should go on the wagon./ Contrast: FALL OFF THE WAGON.

[on the wane and on the wax]{adv. phr.} Decreasing and increasing. — Said of the moon. •/The moon is regularly on the wane and on the wax at regular intervals lasting half a month./

[on the warpath]{adj. phr.}, {informal} 1. Very angry. •/When Mother saw the mess in the kitchen she went on the warpath./ •/Betty has been on the warpath ever since she found out she was not invited to the party./ 2. Making an attack; fighting. •/The government is on the warpath against narcotics./ •/The police are on the warpath against speeders./

[on the watch]{adj. phr.} Alert; watchful. •/The customs inspector was on the watch for diamond smugglers./ •/Mary was on the watch for bargains at the auction./ Compare: EYE OUT, LOOK OUT(2).

[on the way] or [on one’s way] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} Coming; going toward a place or goal; started. •/Help was on the way./ •/The train left and Bill was on his way to New York./ •/He is well on the way to becoming a fine mechanic./

[on the whole]{adv. phr.} 1. In the most important things; in most ways. •/On the whole, Billy did very well in school this year./ •/Everybody agreed that on the whole it was a good show./ Syn.: IN ALL(2), FOR THE MOST PART. 2. In most cases; usually. •/On the whole, men are stronger than women./ •/On the whole, children begin walking when they are about one year old./ Syn.: BY AND LARGE, IN GENERAL.

[on the wing]{adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In the air; while flying. •/The duck flew away, but John shot it on the wing./ 2. {informal} In constant motion; always very busy. •/Susan was on the wing doing things to get ready for her trip./ •/Mr. Jones had a busy schedule and his secretary had to catch him on the wing to sign the letters./ Syn.: ON THE FLY. 3. {informal} Moving from one place to another; traveling; going somewhere. •/Mary’s husband is a traveling salesman and he’s always on the wing./ •/They stayed in France for a week and then they were on the wing again./ Syn.: ON THE GO, ON THE MOVE.

[on the words] See: HANG ON THE WORDS OF.

[on the wrong foot] See: GET OFF ON THE WRONG FOOT.

[on the wrong side of the bed] See: GET UP ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE BED.

[on the wrong track]{adv. phr.} Lost; pursuing the wrong lead. •/Professor MacAlister confessed that his chemical experiments were on the wrong track./ Contrast: BARK UP THE WRONG TREE.

[on time]{adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. At the time arranged; not late; promptly. •/The train left on time./ •/Mary is always on time for an appointment./ Contrast: AHEAD OF TIME, BEHIND TIME. 2. On the installment plan; on credit, paying a little at a time. •/John bought a car on time./ •/You can buy things at the department store on time./

[on top]{adv.} or {adj. phr.}, {informal} In the lead; with success; with victory. •/The horse that everyone had expected would be on top actually came in third./ •/Although John had been afraid that he was not prepared for the exam, he came out on top./

[on top of]{prep.}. 1. On the top of; standing or lying on; on. •/When the player on the other team dropped the ball, Bill fell on top of it./ •/That high hill has a tower on top of it./ 2. {informal} Very close to. •/The elevator was so crowded that everybody was on top of each other./ •/I couldn’t find my umbrella and then I realized I was almost on top of it./ 3. {informal} In addition to; along with. •/Mrs. Lane had many expenses and on top of everything else, her baby became ill./ •/Mary worked at the store all day and on top of that she had to baby-sit with her brother./ 4. {informal} Managing very well; in control of. •/Although his new job was very complicated, John was on top of it within a few weeks./ •/No matter what goes wrong, Mary always stays on top of it./ 5. Knowing all about; not falling behind in information about; up-to-date on. •/Mary stays on top of the news by reading newspapers and magazines./ •/When he was in California, Mr. Jones kept on top of things in his office by telephoning every day./

[on top of the world] or [sitting on top of the world] also (Southern) [sitting on high cotton] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Feeling pleased and happy; feeling successful. •/John was on top of the world when he found out that he got into college./ •/When Ruth won first prize in the contest, she felt as though she was sitting on top of the world./ •/The girls were sitting on high cotton because their basketball team had won the trophy./ Compare: FLYING HIGH, WALK ON AIR.

[on trial]{adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. For testing or trying out for a time before making a decision. •/I was lucky that I had bought the machine on trial because I didn’t like it and was able to return it./ •/Mother bought a new dishwasher on trial and was trying it out before deciding whether to keep it./ 2. In a court being tried for a crime before a judge or jury. •/John White was on trial for murder./ •/Mary was on trial before the Student Committee for spoiling school property./

[on words] See: PLAY ON WORDS.

[on your life] See: NOT ON YOUR LIFE.


[open and aboveboard]{adj. phr.} Honest. •/Jacob felt that the firm he was doing business with wasn’t entirely open and aboveboard./

[open and shut] See: CUT AND DRIED.

[open arms] See: RECEIVE WITH OPEN ARMS.

[open-door policy]{n. phr.} A policy that states that newcomers are welcome to join the company, firm, or country in question. •/During the nineteenth century the United States had an open-door policy regarding immigration./

[open fire]{v. phr.} To begin shooting. •/The big warship turned its guns toward the enemy ship and opened fire./ •/When the policeman called to the robber to stop, he turned and suddenly opened fire./

[openhanded]{adj.} Generous; liberal. •/Although not wealthy himself, Bob was always very openhanded with those who needed help./

[open heart]{n.} 1. No hiding of your feelings; frankness; freedom. •/She spoke with an open heart of her warm feelings for her pupils./ •/She told her troubles with an open heart./ Compare: HEART ON ONE’S SLEEVE. 2. Kindness; generosity. •/She contributed to the fund with an open heart./ •/Mr. Jones has an open heart for underprivileged children./ Compare: OPEN ONE’S HEART.

[open its doors]{v. phr.} 1. To allow someone or something to enter or join; become open. •/That college was started for women only, but a few years ago it opened its doors to men./ 2. To begin doing business; open. •/Proffitts Department Store is having a birthday sale; it first opened its doors fifty years ago this month./ Contrast: CLOSE ITS DOORS.

[open letter]{n. phr.} A public message in the form of a letter addressed to a particular person or to a group. •/There was an open letter to the president of the United States in today’s morning paper./

[open market]{n. phr.} Goods or securities available for purchase by all. •/The stocks of certain companies are on the open market./

[open marriage]{n. phr.} An arrangement by mutual agreement between husband and wife whereby they are both allowed to have extramarital affairs. •/Chances are the open marriage arrangement they had didn’t work out too well so they are getting a divorce./

[open-minded]{adj.} Having no dogmatic or biased views on matters of theory, religion, politics, etc. •/Fred is easy to talk to about anything; he is a highly intelligent and open-minded person./

[open one’s eyes] or [open up one’s eyes] {v. phr.} To make a person see or understand the truth; make a person realize; tell a person what is really happening or what really exists. •/Mary didn’t believe that her cousin could be mean until the cousin opened Mary’s eyes by scratching and biting her./ •/John’s eyes were opened up to the world of nature when he visited his grandfather’s farm./ Compare: EYES OPEN, WISE UP. — [eye opener] {n.} Something that makes you understand the truth. •/Pam’s first visit to school was a real eye-opener./

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