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Словарь американских идиом: 8000 единиц
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Adam Makkai - Словарь американских идиом: 8000 единиц

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Adam Makkai - Словарь американских идиом: 8000 единиц - описание и краткое содержание, автор Adam Makkai, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки
Это обновленное и дополненное издание, содержащее более 8000 идиоматическихслов и выражений, причем каждое из которых снабжено грамматическим объяснениеми практическим примером. Словарь содержит лексемные идиомы, фразеологическиеединицы и поговорки, имеющие особенное значение. В нем приведены наиболееупотребительные выражения только американского английского языка. Этот словарь — идеальное пособие для студентов, часто разъезжающих бизнесменов и простопутешественников.

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Словарь американских идиом: 8000 единиц - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Adam Makkai

[in consideration of]{adv. phr.} 1. After thinking about and weighing; because of. •/iN consideration of the boy’s young age, the judge did not put him in jail for carrying a gun./ 2. In exchange for; because of; in payment for. •/In consideration of the extra work Joe had done, his boss gave him an extra week’s pay./ Compare: IN RETURN.

[in days] or [weeks] or [years to come] {adv. phr.} In the future. •/In the years to come I will be thinking of my father’s advice about life./

[in deep]{adj. phr.} Seriously mixed up in something, especially trouble. •/George began borrowing small sums of money to bet on horses, and before he knew it he was in deep./ Compare: DEEP WATER, UP TO THE CHIN IN.

[in deep water] See: DEEP WATER.

[in defiance of]{prep.} Acting against; in disobedience to. •/The girl chewed gum in defiance of the teacher’s rule./ •/Bob stayed up late in defiance of the coach’s orders./

[in demand]{adj. phr.} Needed; wanted. •/Men to shovel snow were in demand after the snow storm./ •/The book about dogs was much in demand in the library./


[Indian giver]{n. phr.} A person who gives one something, but later asks for it back. — An ethnic slur; avoidable. •/John gave me a beautiful fountain pen, but a week later, like an Indian giver, he wanted it back./

[Indian sign]{n.}, {informal} A magic spell that is thought to bring bad luck; curse; jinx; hoo-doo. — Used with "the", usually after "have" or "with"; and often used in a joking way. •/Bill is a good player, but Ted has the Indian sign on him and always beats him./ •/Father says that he always wins our checker games because he has put the Indian sign on me, but I think he is joking./ Compare: GET ONE’S NUMBER.

[Indian summer]{n. phr.} A dry and warm period of time late in the fall, usually in October. •/After the cold and foggy weather, we had a brief Indian summer, during which the temperature was up in the high seventies./

[in dispute]{adj. phr.} Disagreed about; being argued. •/The penalty ordered by the referee was in dispute by one of the teams./ •/Everyone in the clans wanted to say something about the subject in dispute./

[in doubt]{adv. phr.} In the dark; having some question or uncertainty. •/When in doubt about any of the words you’re using, consult a good dictionary./

[in due course] or [in due season] or [in due time] See: IN GOOD TIME(2).

[in due season] or [in due time] See: IN GOOD TIME.

[industrial park]{n.} A complex of industrial buildings and/or businesses usually located far from the center of a city in a setting especially landscaped to make such buildings look better. •/The nearest supermarket that sells car tires is at the industrial park twenty miles from downtown./

[in Dutch]{adj. phr.}, {slang} In trouble. •/George got in Dutch with his father when he broke a window./ •/John was in Dutch with his mother because he tore his new jacket./

[in earnest]{adv.} or {adj. phr.} Seriously; in a determined way. •/The beaver was building his dam in earnest./ •/Bill did his homework in earnest./ — Often used like a predicate adjective. Sometimes used with "dead", for emphasis. •/Betty’s friends thought she was joking when she said she wanted to be a doctor, but she was in dead earnest./

[in effect]{adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. The same in meaning or result. •/The teacher gave the same assignment, in effect, that she gave yesterday./ •/Helping your mother with the dishes is in effect earning your allowance./ 2. Necessary to obey; being enforced. •/The coach says that players must be in bed by midnight, and that rule is in effect tonight./ Syn.: IN FORCE.

[in effigy] See: HANG IN EFFIGY or BURN IN EFFIGY.

[in error]{adv. phr.} Wrong; mistaken. •/You were in error when you assumed that he would wait for us./

[in evidence]{adj. phr.} Easily seen; noticeable. •/The little boy’s measles were very much in evidence./ •/The tulips were blooming; spring was in evidence./

[in fact] also [in point of fact] {adv. phr.} Really truthfully. — Often used for emphasis. •/No one believed it but, in fact, Mary did get an A on her book report./ •/It was a very hot day; in fact, it was 100 degrees./ Compare: MATTER OF FACT.

[in favor of]{prep.} On the side of; in agreement with, •/Everyone in the class voted in favor of the party./ •/Most girls are in favor of wearing lipstick./ Compare: IN BACK OF(2).

[in fear and trembling] See: FEAR AND TREMBLING.

[in fear of]{adj. phr.} Fearful of; afraid of. •/They live so close to the border that they are constantly in fear of an enemy attack./

[in for]{prep.}, {informal} Unable to avoid; sure to get. •/The naughty puppy was in for a spanking./ •/On Christmas morning we are in for some surprises./ •/We saw Father looking angrily out of the broken window, and we knew we were in for it./ Compare: HAVE IT IN FOR.

[in force]{adj. phr.} 1. To be obeyed. •/New times for eating meals are now in force./ Syn.: IN EFFECT. 2. In a large group. •/People went to see the parade in force./ Syn.: EN MASSE.

[in front of] prep. Ahead of; before. •/The rabbit was running in front of the dog./ •/A big oak tree stood in front of the building./ Contrast: IN BACK OF(1).

[in full swing]{adj. phr.} Actively going on; in full action. •/The Valentine party was in full swing./ •/All of the children were planting seeds; the gardening project was in full swing./

[in fun] See: FOR FUN.

[in general(1)]{adv. phr.} Usually; very often. •/In general, mother makes good cookies./ •/The weather in Florida is warm in general./ Compare: ON THE WHOLE(2).

[in general(2)]{adj. phr.} Most; with few exceptions. •/Women in general like to shop for new clothes./ •/Boys in general like active sports more than girls do./ Contrast: IN PARTICULAR.


[in good]{adj. phr.}, {informal} Well liked; accepted. — Used with "with". •/The boy washed the blackboards so that he would get in good with Iris teacher./ •/Although Tom was younger, he was in good with the older boys./ Compare: ON ONE’S GOOD SIDE. Contrast: IN BAD.

[in good faith] See: GOOD FAITH.

[in good form] Contrast: IN BAD FORM.

[in good season] See: IN GOOD TIME.

[in good stead] See: STAND IN GOOD STEAD.

[in good time] or [in good season] {adv. phr.} 1. A little early; sooner than necessary. •/The school bus arrived in good time./ •/The students finished their school work in good time./ •/We reached the station in good season to catch the 9:15 bus for New York./ 2. or [in due course] or [in due season] or [in due time] In the usual amount of time; at the right time; in the end. •/Spring and summer will arrive in due course./ •/Sally finished her spelling in due course./

[in great measure]{adv. phr.} To a great extent; largely. •/The Japanese attack on Hawaii was in great measure a contributing factor to President Roosevelt’s decision to enter World War II./ Compare: TO A LARGE EXTENT.

[in half]{adv. phr.} 1. Into two equal parts. •/The ticket taker at the football game tore the tickets in half./ •/Mother cut the apple in half so each child could have an equal share./ Syn.: IN TWO. 2. To half the size before; to one half as big. •/As a punishment, Father cut Bob’s allowance in half./

[in hand]{adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Under control. •/The principal was happy to find that the new teacher had her class in hand./ •/The baby-sitter kept the children well in hand./ •/Mabel was frightened when the barking dog ran at her, but she soon got herself in hand and walked on./ Contrast: OUT OF HAND. 2. In your possession; with you. — Often used in the phrase "cash in hand". •/Tom figured that his cash in hand with his weekly pay would be enough to buy a car./ Compare: ON HAND. 3. Being worked on; with you to do. •/We should finish the work we have in hand before we begin something new./

[in honor of]{prep.} As an honor to; for showing respect or thanks to. •/We celebrate Mother’s Day in honor of our mothers./ •/The city dedicated a monument in honor of the general./

[in hopes]{adj. phr.} Hopeful; hoping. •/The Mayor was in hopes of having a good day for the parade./ •/Mother was in hopes that the cake would be good to eat./


[in hot water] See: HOT WATER.

[in] or [into orbit] {adj. phr.} Thrilled; exuberantly happy; in very high spirits. •/When Carol won the lottery she went right into orbit./

[in] or [into the clear] {adj. phr.} Free; cleared of all responsibility and guilt. •/Because of the new evidence found, Sam is still in the clear, but Harry is still behind bars./

[in] or [into the doldrums] {adj. phr.} Inactive; sluggish; depressed. •/The news of our factory’s going out of business put all of us in the doldrums./

[in] or [into the limelight] {adj. phr.} In the center of attention. •/Some people will do almost anything to be able to step into the limelight./ Compare: IN THE SPOTLIGHT.

[in itself] See: END IN ITSELF.


[in keeping]{adj. phr.} Going well together; agreeing; similar. •/Mary’s hair style was in keeping with the latest fashion./ •/Having an assembly on Friday morning was in keeping with the school program./ Contrast: OUT OF KEEPING.

[in kind]{adv. phr.} In a similar way; with the same kind of thing. •/My neighbor pays me in kind for walking her dog./ •/Low returned Mary’s insult in kind./

[in knots] See: TIE IN KNOTS.

[in league with] or {informal} [in cahoots with] {prep.} In secret agreement or partnership with (someone); working together secretly with, especially for harm. •/People once believed that some women were witches in league with the devil./ •/The mayor’s enemies spread a rumor that he was in cahoots with gangsters./

[in left field] See: OUT IN LEFT FIELD.

[in lieu of] See: INSTEAD OF.

[in light of] also [in the light of] {adj. phr.} 1. As a result of new information; by means of new ideas. •/The teacher changed John’s grade in the light of the extra work in the workbook./ 2. Because of. •/In light of the muddy field, the football team wore their old uniforms./ Syn.: IN VIEW OF.

[in line(1)]{adv. phr.} In or into a straight line. •/The boys stood in line to buy their tickets./ •/Tom set the chairs in line along the wall./ •/The carpenter put the edges of the boards in line./

[in line(2)]{adj. phr.} 1. In a position in a series or after someone else. •/John is in line for the presidency of the club next year./ •/Mary is fourth in line to be admitted to the sorority./ 2. Obeying or agreeing with what is right or usual; doing or being what people expect or accept; within ordinary or proper limits. •/The coach kept the excited team in line./ •/When the teacher came back into the room, she quickly brought the class back in line./ •/The government passed a new law to keep prices in line./ Compare: IN HAND. Contrast: OUT OF LINE.

[in line with]{prep.} In agreement with. •/Behavior at school parties must be in line with school rules./ •/In line with the custom of the school, the students had a holiday between Christmas and New Year’s Day./

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