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Асбест является канцерогеном первой категории по классификации Международного агентства по изучению рака, при этом используется в разных областях промышленности, так как обладает низкой электропроводностью, что делает его высококачественным электроизоляционным материалом. Прим. пер.
David Cote, Winning Now, Winning Later: How Companies Can Win in the Short Term While Investing for the Long Term (Nashville: HarperCollins Leadership, 2020), xi.
Sandra J. Sucher and Susan J. Winterberg, “Honeywell and the Great Recession (A)” (HBS Case No. 315–022, Harvard Business School, October 2014), 4.
Sucher and Winterberg, “Honeywell,” 5.
Cote, Winning Now, Winning Later, xi.
Sucher and Winterberg, “Honeywell,” 3.
Sucher and Winterberg, “Honeywell,” 6.
Sucher and Winterberg, “Honeywell,” 7–8.
Cote, Winning Now, Winning Later, 65.
Cote, Winning Now, Winning Later, 66.
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Sandra J. Sucher and Susan J. Winterberg, “Furloughs: An Alternative to Layoffs for Economic Downturns” (Harvard Business School note 314–097, February 2014).
Cote, Winning Now, Winning Later, 233.
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Sucher and Winterberg, “Honeywell,” 4.
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Sandra J. Sucher and Susan J. Winterberg, “Michelin: Socially Responsible Restructuring” (Harvard Business School research report, 2016), 11.
Sucher and Winterberg, “Michelin,” 10–11.
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Herbert L. Lottman, The Michelin Men: Driving an Empire (London: I. B. Tauris, 2003), 235.
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Crook, “Netflix Learns from Past Mistakes.”
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Heinze et al., “Indirect Effects.”
Heinze et al., “Indirect Effects.”
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От англ. increment — приращение, увеличение, как правило постепенное. Прим. ред.
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Fowler, “Reflection.”
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