P. 937-953. With W.H. Painter. Theory and performance of the iconoscope // Ibid. P. 1071-1092. With G.A. Morton and L.E. Flory.
Automatic recording spectroradiometer for cathodoluminescent materials I I J. Opt. Soc.
Amer. 1939. Vol. 29, February. P. 84-91. The electrostatic electron multiplier I I Proc. IRE. 1939. Vol.27, September. P. 558-566.
With J.A. Rajchman. The image iconoscope I I Ibid. P. 541-547. With H. lams and G.A. Morton. Television - the electronics of image transactions. N.Y.: Wiley, 1940. With G.A. Morton.
Image formation by electrons // Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 1941. January. An electron microscope for practical laboratory service // Elec. Eng. 1941. Vol. 60,
April. P. 157-162. With J. Hillier and A.W. Vance. Silver-magnesium alloy as a secondary electron emitting material // J. Appl. Phys. 1941.
Vol. 12, September. P. 696-698. With J.E. Ruedy and E.W. Pike. Surface studies with electron microscopes // Ibid. P. 692-695. With E.G. Ramberg. A preliminary report on the development of a 300-Kilovolt magnetic electron microscope // Ibid. 1941. Vol. 12, October. P. 738-742. With J. Hillier and A.W. Vance. Recent television developments // Rep. Progr. Phys. 1941. Vol. 8, December. With R.E. Shelby.
A scanning electron microscope // ASTM. 1942. August. With J. Hillier and R.L. Snyder. A diffraction adapter for the electron microscope // J. Appl. Phys. 1942. Vol. 13,
September. P. 571-581. With J. Hillier and R.F. Baker. Electron microscopy in chemistry // Industr. and Eng. Chem. 1943. Vol. 35, April. P. 450-458.
Application of the electron microscope in metallurgy // J. Amer. Inst. Mining and
Metallurgical Eng. 1943. Vol. 152, June. P. 12-37. A compact high resolving power electron microscope // J. Appl. Phys. 1943. December.
With J. Hillier. Using electron for microanalysis // Science. 1944. Apr. 28. Electron microscopy // Sci. Month. 1944. September. With J. Hillier. Electronic microscopy // Elec. News and Eng. 1944. September, October, November. With J. Hillier.
The electron microscope // Med. Phys. 1944. With J. Hillier and A.W. Vance. Advances in television // Radio Age. 1944. October. With G.A. Morton. Electron microscopy // J. Amer. Pharmaceut. Assoc. 1945. December. With J. Hillier. Electron optics and the electron microscope. N.Y.: Wiley, 1945. With G.A. Morton,
E.G. Ramberg, J. Hillier, and A.W. Vance. Reading aid for the blind // Electronics. 1946. Vol. 19, August. P. 84-87. With L.E. Flory.
Flying torpedo with an electric eye // RCA Rev. 1946. Vol. 7, September. P. 293-302. Some practical aspects of electron microscopy. N.Y.: Reinhold, 1946. With J. Hillier. An electronic reading aid for the blind // Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 1947. April. With L.E. Flory.
Television // J. Franklin. Inst. 1947. Vol. 244, August. P. 131-145.
Reflective optical system for projection television // Radio News. 1947. Vol. 38,
September. P. 54-56, 153-155. Progress in television // Radio Craft. 1948. Vol. 19, January. P. 20-22. Photoelectricity and its applications. N.Y.: Wiley, 1949. With E.G. Ramberg. Research on reading aids for the blind // J. Franklin. Inst. 1949. Vol. 247, May.
P. 483-496. With L.E. Йогу and W.S. Pike. Letter reading machine // Electronics. 1949. Vol. 22, June. P. 80-86. With L.E. Flory and W.S. Pike.
Engineers role in the progress of science // Elec. Eng. 1949. Vol. 68, August. P. 670-672. The valuable by-product // Proc. of IRE (Editorial). 1949. August. Photicon // Electronics. 1949. December.
Microscopy: Electron // Medical physics. Chicago: Year Book, 1950. Vol. 2. With J. Hillier.
Giving TV a new meaning // Televiser. 1950. February.
Industrial television and the vidicon // Elec. Eng. 1950. Vol. 69, July. P. 624-627. New television camera tubes and some applications outside the broadcasting field // J.
SMPTE. 1950. Vol. 55, September. P. 227-242. Motion pictures and television // Ibid. 1950. Vol. 55, December. P. 562-566. Some prospects in the field of electronics // J. Franklin. Inst. 1951. Vol. 251, January. P. 69-80.
1951 IRE Medal of Honor - speech of acceptance // Proc. IRE. 1951, Vol. 39, July. P. 740.
Television // Encyclopedia Americana. 1950, 1956.
Standards conversion of television signals // Electronics. 1952. Vol. 25, January.
P. 86-91. With E.G. Ramberg. Television in medicine and biology // Elec. Eng. 1952. Vol. 71, January. P. 40-45. With L.E. Flory.
Ultraviolet television microscopy // Electronics. 1952. Vol. 25, September. P. 150-152.
With L.E. Flory and R.E. Shrader. A scientist look at television in relation to its social aspects // Technion yearbook. 1951, 1952.
Photoelectric cells // Encyclopedia of chemical technology. 1952. With E.G. Ramberg.
The evolution of television // Elec. Eng. 1953. Vol. 72, March. P. 209.
Television - the electronics of image transactions in color and monochrome. N.Y.:
Wiley, 1954. With G. Morton. Color television // Electronique. 1955. March-April. Color television // Comita International de TV (France). P., 1955. Medical electronics will provide technical facilities with which life scientists will implement their work // IRE Convention Record. 1956. Pt 9: Medical and nuclear electronics. P. 99-102.
Ultraviolet television color - translating microscope // Science. 1957. Vol. 126, October.
P. 805-810. With F.L. Hatke. The television color translating microscope // IRE Wescon Convention Record. 1957. Pt 7: Audio, broadcast and television receivers and broadcast transmission systems. P. 87-91.
Television techniques in biology and medicine // Advances in biological and medical
physics. N.Y., 1957. Television // Dictionary of physics. N.Y.: Pergamon press, 1957. Electronic extension of optical observation techniques // Science. 1958. Mar. 28. Electronics in medicine // Saturday Evening Post. 1958. May 31. Electronic control of motor vehicles on the highway. Pt I. Development // Proc. Highway
Research Board. 1958. With L.E. Flory. Television in science and industry. N.Y.: Wiley, 1958. With E.G. Ramberg and L.E. Flory.
Electronics guides your car//Radio-Electronics. 1959. Vol. 30, April. P. 101, 104. With L.E. Flory.
The human aspect of engineering progress // J. Brit. IRE. 1959. Vol. 19, September. P. 529-544.
Medical electronics center - interdisciplinary coordination // Proc. IRE. 1959. Vol. 47,
November. P. 2008-2010. Recent advances in medical electronics // IRE Convention Record. 1959. Pt 9: Human
factors in electronics, instrumentation, medical electronics, nuclear science. Electronic techniques in medicine // Henry Ford Hospital Med. Bull. 1960. March. Medical electronics and its implications // New Sci. 1960. July.Medical electronics - promise and challenge I I Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 1961. Vol. 105. N3.
The measurement of internal physiological phenomena using passive-type telemetering capsules // IRE Intern. Convention Record. 1961. Pt 9: Bio-medical electronics, nuclear science, instrumentation. P. 141-144. With J.T. Varrar, F.L. Hatke, R.C. Bostron, and G.J. De-Boo. Will electronics eliminate the physician? // Commentary New Med. Material. 1961. December.
Application of television for medical purposes // Acts of the First meeting CIT-MIFED. 1961, October.
Electronics and health care // Proc. IRE: Anniversary Issue. 1962. Vol. 50, May. P. 631-632.
Cathode ray tube and television // Harpers encyclopedia of sciences. N.Y., 1962. The early days - some recollections // Television Quart. 1962. Vol. 1, N 4. P. 69-72. A mechanized matching procedure for computer aided differential diagnosis // Med.
Electron. Biol. Eng. 1963. Vol. 1. P. 85-89. Communications and government in 1984 // New Sci. 1964.
Accelerating medical progress through medical engineering // Radio and Electron. Eng. 1965. March.
Medicine and biology, challenge to the engineering profession // Proc. IEEE. 1965. Vol. 53, N 3. P. 227.
Medical instrumentation - a way of speeding up the application of new techniques to
medical practice // Wireless World. 1965. Vol. 71, September. P. 423^24. The multiplier phototube and the image orthicon: Uses in biology and medicine //
Electronique medicale en cardiologie et en pneumologie. P., 1965. Television: Its indebtedness and contribution to science // Impact of basic research technology. N.Y.; L., 1973. P. 195-296.
Патенты В.К. Зворыкина, полученные в США
I. Механическое телевидение
№ патента
Television system (Mechanical TV) 1689847
Television system (Mechanical TV synchronizer) 1715732
II. Электронные системы телевидения
Television system (color) 1691324
Television apparatus 1817502
Television apparatus 1870702
Method and system for communication by TV 1955899
Cathode ray apparatus (Kinescope) 1988469
Television system 2017883 Method and apparatus for producing
images of objects (Front surface iconoscope) 2021907
Television system (C.R.T.V. and flying spot TV) 2022450
System for reception by TV (Projection C.R. tube) 2025143
Television system (Kinescope gun) 2084364
Television system (Flying spot TV) 2104066
Television system 2107464
Vacuum tube (Kinescope and electron gun control) 2109245
Television system (Automatic C.R. beam control for iconoscope) 2133882
Cathode ray tube 2139296
Television system (black and white) 2141059 Intelligence transmission system (Scanning
of TV by C.R. beam and synchronization) 2146876
Television system (Photo mosaic for iconoscope) 2157048
Cathode ray device (Electrostatic deflection for C.R. tube) 2168892
Picture transmitter tube (Front side iconoscope) 2201215
Television system (Two ways TV system) 2206654
Photoelectric mosaic 2246283
Electron tube (Pentode type gun for TV C.R. tube) 2249552
Television system (C.R. beam scanning) 2280877
View-transmission system (Iconoscope mosaic) 2285551
Electron gun 2289952
Telectroscope (TV for astronomic telescope) 2304755
Television system 2415059
Optophone 2451014
Color television 2566713
Television image reproducing system 2806899
Color receiver utilizing velocity modulation in display tube 2989582Color kinescopes and methods of making some 3003873
Magnetic recording and reproducing means 3072751
III. Фотоэлементы и фотоумножители
Photoelectric cell 1677316
Light-responsive relay (Photo cell and amplifier) 1709763
Photo-electric device 1763207
Light sensitive element 1807056
Photo-electric tube 1832607
Photo-electric tube 1837744
Photo-electric tube 1837746
Photocell amplifier 1872381
Combination of a phototube and an amplifier 1883926
Light sensitive tube 1893573
Photo-electric tube 1939531
Electric discharge device (Magnetic electron multiplier) 2078304
Electron multiplier device 2144239
Electron multiplier device (Magnetic electron multiplier) 2147825
Electric discharge device (Electron multiplier) 2150573
Electrical discharge device (Electric multiplier) 2189305
Electric discharge device (Secondary emission cathode) 2205055