Maquet J. Objectivity in Anthropology. P. 51.
См.: Radcliffe-Brown A.R. The Present Position of Anthropological Studies // Radcliffe-Brown A.R. Method in Social Anthropology. P. 66.
Kipling R. Short Stories and Poems. P. 350.
См.: Весёлкин Е.А. Кризис британской социальной антропологии. С. 50.
Lewis D. Anthropology and Colonialism // CA. 1973. V. 14. № 5. P. 528.
Ibid. P. 584.
Цит. по: Ibidem.
См.: Ibid. P. 585.
Леви-Стросс К. Структурная антропология (сборник переводов). М., 1980. С. 53.
Nadel S.F. Anthropology and Modern Life. P. 13.
См.: Henry F. The Role of the Fieldworker in an Explosive Political Situation // CA. 1966. V. 7. № 5. P. 554.
п’Битек О. Африканские традиционные религии. М., 1979. С. 21.
Magubane B. A Critical Look an Indices Used in the Study of Social Change in Colonial Africa // CA. 1971. V. 12. № 4–5. P. 420.
Ibid. P. 425.
См.: Chilungu S.W. Issues in the Ethics of Research Method. An Interpretation of Anglo-American Perspective // CA. 1976. V. 17. № 3. P. 460.
Magubane B. A Critical Look an Indices Used in the Study of Social Change in Colonial Africa. P. 423.
Chilungu S.W. Issues in the Ethics of Research Method. An Interpretation of Anglo-American Perspective. P. Chilungu S.W. Issues in the Ethics of Research Method. An Interpretation of Anglo-American Perspective. P. 459.
Radcliffe-Brown A.R. Preface // African Political Systems. P. 2.
См.: Magubane B. A Critical Look an Indices Used in the Study of Social Change in Colonial Africa. P. 436–438.
Chilungu S.W. Issues in the Ethics of Research Method. An Interpretation of Anglo-American Perspective. P. 464.
Magubane B. A Critical Look an Indices Used in the Study of Social Change in Colonial Africa. P. 430.
См.: Malinowski B. The Ethnography of Malinowski. The Trobriand Islands. 1915–1918. P. 17.
Цит. по: Magubane B. A Critical Look an Indices Used in the Study of Social Change in Colonial Africa. P. 438.
См.: Весёлкин Е.А. Кризис британской социальной антропологии. С. 33–34; Годинер Э.С. Национальные этнографические исследования в странах Восточной Африки // Пути развития зарубежной этнологии. М., 1983. С. 152–204; Шаревская Б.И. На пути духовной деколонизации // п’Битек О. Африканские традиционные религии. С. 3–18; Owusu M. On Indigenous Anthropology: A Malinowskian View // CA. 1981. V. 22. № 6. P. 709–710; Zamani: A Survey of East African History. Ed. by B.A. Ogot and J.A. Keiran. Nairobi. 1968. P. 6–9 и др.
Цит. по: Chilungu S.W. Issues in the Ethics of Research Method. An Interpretation of Anglo-American Perspective. P. 464.
Firth R. The Sceptical Anthropologist? Social Anthropology and Marxist View on Society. P. 25.
Ibid. P. 26.
Kuper A. Anthropology and Anthropologists. P. 117.
Ibid. P. 116.
Firth R. Contemporary British Social Anthropology // AA. V. 53. P. 474–489.
Kuper A. Anthropology and Anthropologists. P. 128.
Radcliffe-Brown A.R. On Social Structure // Radcliffe-Brown A.R. Structure and Function in Primitive Society; African Political Systems. Ed. by M. Fortes and E.E. Evans-Pritchard. L., 1940; Evans-Pritchard E.E. The Nuer. A Description of the Modes of the Livelihood and Political Institutions of a Nilotic People.; African Systems of Kinship and Marriage. 1950.
Fortes M. Oedipus and Job in Western Africa. Cambridge, 1959; Idem. Kinship and Social Order. The Legacy of Lewis Henry Morgan.
Nadel S.F. The Foundations of Social Anthropology. L., 1951.
Idem. The Theory of Social Structure. L., 1957.
Ibid. P. 158.
Man and Culture.
Firth R. Elements of Social Organization. L., 1951.
Фирт Р. Значение социальной антропологии // Личность. Культура. Общество. 2001. Т. 3. Вып. 1 (7). С. 122. (Статья представляет собой перевод фрагмента книги Firth R. Elements of Social Organization. L., 1951. P. 1–40.)
Там же. С. 125.
Фирт Р. Значение социальной антропологии (продолжение) // ЛКО. 2001. Т. 3. Вып. 2 (8). С. 164–166.
Фирт Р. Значение социальной антропологии (продолжение) // ЛКО. 2001. Т. 3. Вып. 2 (8). С. 166.
Там же. С. 161.
Там же. С. 162.
Фирт Р. Значение социальной антропологии (продолжение) // ЛКО. 2001. Т. 3. Вып. 2 (8). С. 147.
Там же. С. 148.
Там же. С. 150.
Фирт Р. Значение социальной антропологии (продолжение) // ЛКО. 2001. Т. 3. Вып. 2 (8). С. 152–153.
Там же. С. 151.
Там же. С. 159.
Там же. С. 169.
См.: Там же. С. 146–148.
Фирт Р. Значение социальной антропологии (продолжение) // ЛКО. 2001. Т. 3. Вып. 2 (8). С. 159.
Gluckman M. The Kingdom of the Zulu in South Africa // African Political Systems. L., 1987 (1-st ed. 1940).
Idem. Analysis of a Social Situation in Modern Zululand. Rhodes-Livingston Papers. № 28. 1958.
См.: Radcliffe-Brown A.R. The Comparative Method in Social Anthropology // Radcliffe-Brown A.R. Method in Social Anthropology. P. 103.
Seven Tribes of British Central Africa. Eds. E. Colson and M. Gluckman. Manchester, 1951.
Gluckman M. Order and Rebellion in Tribal Africa. L., 1963. P. 18.
Evans-Pritchard E.E. The Divine Kingship of the Shilluk of the Nilotic Sudan // Essays in Social Anthropology. L., 1962. P. 83.
Gluckman M. Order and Rebellion in Tribal Africa. P. 20.
Methods of Study of Culture Contact in Africa.
Gluckman M. An Analysis of the Sociological Theories of Bronislaw Malinowski.
Ibid. P. 7.
Ibid. P. 10.
Idem. Custom and Conflict in Africa. Oxford, 1959. P. 151.
См.: Evans-Pritchard E.E. Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande.
Gluckman M. Custom and Conflict in Africa. P. 164.
См.: Mitchell J.C. Tribalism and Plural Society. L., 1960.
См.: Mitchell J.C. African Urbanization in Ndola and Luanshya. Lusaka, 1954; Idem. The Kalela Dance. Manchester, 1956; Idem. Tribalism and Plural Society; Epstein A.L. Politics in an Urban African Community. Manchester, 1958; Mayer Ph. Townsmen or Tribesmen. Cape Town, 1962.
Весёлкин Е. А. Кризис британской социальной антропологии. С. 126, 127.
Bott E. Family and Social Network. L., 1957.
См.: Mayer Ph. Townsmen or Tribesmen; Paw B. The Second Generation. Cape Town, 1963; Mayer A. The Significance of Quasi-groups in the Study of Complex Societies // The Social Anthropology of Complex Societies. Ed. By Banton. L., 1966. P. 97–122; Kemper R.V. Social Network in Urban Anthropology: An Example from Mexico City // IX International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Chicago, 1973. P. 1–16; Mitchell J.C. The Concept and Use of Social Network // Social Networks in Urban Situation. Analyses of Personal Relationships in Central African Towns; Srinivas M.M., Beteille A. Networks in Indian Social Structures // Man. 1964. V. LXIV. P. 165–168; Social Networks in Urban Situation. Analyses of Personal Relationships in Central African Towns. Ed. By J.C. Mitchell. Manchester, 1969; Barnes J.A. Class and Committees in a Norwegian Island Parish // HR. 1954. V. 7. P. 39–58; idem. Network and Political Process // Social Networks in Urban Situation. Analyses of Personal Relationships in Central African Towns; Kapferer B. Norms and Manipulations of Relationships in a Work Context // Social Networks in Urban Situation. Analyses of Personal Relationships in Central African Towns.
Barnes J.A. Class and Committees in a Norwegian Island Parish. P. 43–44.
Idem. Network and Political Process. P. 58–63.
Mitchell J.C. The Concept and Use of Social Network. P. 8–11.
Frankenberg P. Communities in British Social Life in Town and Country. Harmondsworth. 1966. P. 242.
Весёлкин Е.А. Кризис британской социальной антропологии. С. 147.
Evans-Pritchard E.E. Anthropology and the Social Sciences // Further Papers on the Social Sciences. Ed. by J.E. Dugdale. L., 1937. P. 73.
Idem. Essays in Social Anthropology. P. 26.
Gellner E. Introduction // Evans-Pritchard E.E. A History of Anthropological Thought. Ed. by A. Singer. N.Y., 1981. P. XXV–XXVI.
Evans-Pritchard E.E. Social Anthropology. P. 53.
Evans-Pritchard E.E. Anthropology and History. Manchester. 1963; Idem. Sanusi of Cyrenaica. Oxford, 1949.
Douglas M. E.E. Evans-Pritchard. Brighton. 1980. P. 72; Pocock D.F. Social Anthropology. L., 1971; Turner V. On the Edge of the Bush. The University of Arizona. 1985. P. 71; Geertz C. Works and Lives. The Anthropologist as Author. Cambridge, 1988. P. 70.