Evans-Pritchard E.E. Social Anthropology. P. 53.
Douglas M. E.E. Evans-Pritchard. P. 29.
См.: Токарев С.А. История зарубежной этнографии. C. 263–268.
Evans-Pritchard E.E. Social Anthropology. P. 57.
Fortes M. The Dynamics of Clanship among the Tallensi. P. XI.
Gellner E. Introduction // Evans-Pritchard E.E. A History of Anthropological Thought. P. XV–XVI.
Douglas M. E.E. Evans-Pritchard. P. 45–46.
Evans-Pritchard E.E. Operations on the Okomo and Gila Rivers, 1940–1941 // The Army Quarterly. 103. N 4. July, 1973. P. 1–10.
См.: Вебер М. Протестантская этика и дух капитализма // Вебер М. Избранные работы. М., 1991.
Kuper A. Anthropologists and Anthropology. P. 157.
См.: Stagl J. Kulturanthropologie und Gesellschaft. Berlin, 1981. S. 84–96.
Malinowski B. Magic, Science, and Religion and Other Essays. P. 79; Radcliffe-Brown A.R. A Natural Science of Society. P. 127.
Radcliffe-Brown A.R. Structure and Function in Primitive Society. P. 144.
Леви-Брюль Л. Первобытное мышление. М., 1930.
Douglas M. E.E. Evans-Pritchard. P. 45.
Ibid. P. 31.
Evans-Pritchard E.E. Levy-Bruhl`s Theory of Primitive Mentality // Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts of the Egyptian University (Cairo). 1934. II. P. 28–29.
Evans-Pritchard E.E. The Nuer; Idem. Kinship and Marriage among the Nuer. Oxford, 1954; Idem. Nuer Religion. Oxford, 1956.
Evans-Pritchard E.E. Nuer Religion. P. VI–VII.
Nygren A. Agape and Eros. N.Y., 1969.
Evans-Pritchard E.E. Nuer Religion. P. VII.
Douglas M. E.E. Evans-Pritchard. P. 12.
Ibid. P. 59.
Radcliffe-Brown A.R. A Natural Science of Society.
Evans-Pritchard E.E. Nuer Religion. P. 17.
Van Maanen J. Tales of the Field. P. 45–72.
Geertz C. Works and Lives. The Anthropologist as Author. P. 58.
Ibid. P. 70.
Sex in Civilization. Ed. by V.F. Calverton and S.D. Schmalhausen. L., 1929; The New Generation: The Intimate Problems of Modern Parents and Children. Ed. by V.F. Calverton and S.D. Schmalhausen. N.Y., 1930.
Malinowski B. Parenthood – the Basis of Social Structure // The New Generation.
Leach E.R. Social and Economic Organization of the Rovanduz Kurds. L., 1940.
Leach E.R. Political Systems of Highland Burma. L., 1954; Idem. Pul Eliya: A Village in Ceylon. Cambridge, 1961; Idem. Rethinking Anthropology. L., 1961; Idem. Le1vi-Strauss. L., 1974; Idem. Culture and Communication. The Logic by which Symbols are Connected. An Introduction to the Use of Structuralist Analysis in Social Anthropology. Cambridge, 1976; Idem. Social Anthropology. L., 1982.
См.: Idem. Le1vi-Strauss. P. 9.
Idem. Rethinking Anthropology. P. 6; Idem. Social Anthropology. P. 27.
Leach E.R. Social Anthropology. P. 52.
Ibid. P. 53.
Idem. Rethinking Anthropology. P. 2.
Idem. Glimpses of Unmentionable in the History of British Social Anthropology. P. 20.
Idem. Pul Eliya: A Village in Ceylon. P. 298.
Ibid. P. 298–299.
Kuper A. Anthropology and Anthropologists. 3-d ed. P. 136.
Leach E.R. Introduction // The Structural Study of Myth and Totemism. Ed. by E.R. Leach. L., 1967. P. XV.
Idem. Rethinking Anthropology. P. 2.
Лич Э. Культура и коммуникация. Логика взаимосвязи символов. К использованию структурного анализа в социальной антропологии. М., 2001. С. 10.
Там же.
Там же. С. 11.
Там же. С. 12.
Leach E.R. Le1vi-Strauss. P. 9.
Ibid. P. 19.
Idem. Pul Eliya: A Village in Ceylon. P. 130.
См.: Idem. Glimpses of Unmentionable in the History of British Social Anthropology. P. 14.
Idem. Social Anthropology. P. 53.
Ibid. P. 15.
Ibid. P. 121.
См.: Лич Э. Культура и коммуникация. Логика взаимосвязи символов. К использованию структурного анализа в социальной антропологии. С. 16.
Leach E.R. Social Anthropology. P. 97.
Ibid. P.108–109.
Ibid. P.213.
Idem. Social and Economic Organization of the Rovanduz Kurds. P. 9, 62.
Idem. Political Systems of Highland Burma. P. 203–204.
Kuper A. Anthropology and Anthropologists. P. 152–153.
Leach E.R. Pul Eliya: A Village in Ceylon. P. 130.
Idem. Rethinking Anthropology. P. 30–31.
Turner V.W. Schism and Continuity in an African Society: A Study of Ndembu Village Life. Manchester, 1957.
Ibid. P. IX–XIII.
Turner V.W. Aspects of Saora Ritual and Shamanism. An Approach to the Data of Ritual // Turner V.W. On the Edge of the Bush. Anthropology as Experience. The University of Arizona. 1985. P. 22.
Ibid. P. 23.
Turner V.W. The Ritual Process: Structure and Antistructure. Harmondsworth. 1974. P. 155.
Turner V.W. Mukanda, Boy’s Circumcision: The Politics of Non-Political Ritual // Turner V.W. On the Edge of the Bush. Anthropology as Experience. P.55.
Turner E.L.B. Prologue // Turner V.W. On the Edge of the Bush. Anthropology as Experience. P. 3.
См.: Ibid. P. 4.
Gluckman M. The Economy of Central Barotse Plain. L., 1941.
Turner V.W. Revelation and Divination in Ndembu Ritual. Ithaca; L., 1975. P. 30.
Turner E.L.B. Prologue. P. 10.
Turner V.W. Schism and Continuity in an African Society: A Study of Ndembu Village Life. P. XVII.
Turner V.W. Metaphors of Antistructure in Religious Culture // Changing Perspectives in the Scientific Study of Religion. Ed. by A.W. Eister. N.Y., 1974. P. 83.
Turner E.L.B. Prologue. P. 2.
См.: Тэрнер В. Символ и ритуал. М., 1983. С. 34–35.
См.: Clifford J. The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature and Art. Cambridge (Mass.) – L., 1988. P. 58.
См.: Тэрнер В. Символ и ритуал. С. 105–106.
Там же. С. 131.
Там же. С. 132.
Там же. С. 130.
Дильтей В. Введение в науки о духе // Зарубежная эстетика и теория литературы XIX–XX вв. Трактаты, статьи, эссе. М., 1987. С. 111.
Turner V.W. Revelation and Divination in Ndembu Ritual. P. 29.
Evans-Pritchard E.E. Essays in Social Anthropology. L., 1962. P. 26.
Turner V.W. An Anthropological Approach to Icelandic Saga // Idem. On the Edge of the Bush. Anthropology as Experience. P. 71.
См.: Эванс-Причард Э.Э. Антропология и история // Эванс-Причард Э.Э. История антропологической мысли. С. 273–291.
Turner V.W. An Anthropological Approach to Icelandic Saga // Turner V.W. On the Edge of the Bush. Anthropology as Experience. P. 71–92.
См.: Kuper A. Anthropology and Anthropologists. P. 135.
Тэрнер В. Символ и ритуал. С. 109.
См.: Там же. С. 108.
Turner V.W. The Forest of Symbols. Ithaca. 1967.
Тэрнер В. Символ и ритуал. С. 168–169.
Turner V.W. The Ritual Process: Structure and Antistructure. P. 191.
Тэрнер В. Символ и ритуал. С. 113.
Turner V.W. The Limits of Naivety in Social Anthropology // Closed Systems and Open Minds. Ed. by M. Gluckman. Edinburgh, 1964. P. 20.
Тэрнер В. Символ и ритуал. С. 36.
См.: Там же.
См.: Там же. С. 37.
См.: Там же. С. 94–96.
См.: Там же. С. 81.
Там же. С. 39–40.
Там же. С. 40–41.
Turner V.W. The Ritual Process: Structure and Antistructure. P. 81.
Ibid. P. 116.
Ibid. P. 120.
Ibid. P. 193.
Turner E.L.B. Prologue. P. 9.
См.: Ibid. P. 11.