Maltby, Reign of Charles V, pp. 60–62
Cavanaugh, Myth of Religious Violence, p. 164
Dunn, Age of Religious Wars, p. 49
Ibid., pp. 50–51
Steven Gunn, ‘War, Religion and the State’, in Cameron, Early Modern Europe, p. 244
Cavanaugh, Myth of Religious Violence, pp. 145–47, 153–58
James Westfall Thompson, The Wars of Religion in France, 1559–1576: The Huguenots, Catherine de Medici, Philip II, 2nd ed. (New York, 1957); Lucien Romier, ‘A Dissident Nobility under the Cloak of Religion’, in J. H. M. Salmon, ed., The French Wars of Religion: How Important Were Religious Factors? (Lexington, Mass., 1967); Henri Hauser, ‘Political Anarchy and Social Discontent’, ibid.
Natalie Zemon Davis, ‘The Rites of Violence: Religious Riot in Sixteenth-Century France’, Past and Present, 59 (1973)
Mack P. Holt, ‘Putting Religion Back into the Wars of Religion’, French Historical Studies, 18, 2 (Autumn 1993); John Bossy, ‘Unrethinking the Sixteenth-Century Wars of Religion’, in Thomas Kselman, ed., Belief in History: Innovative Approaches in European and American Religion (Notre Dame, Ind., 1991); Denis Crouzet, Les guerriers de Dieu: La violence en temps des troubles de religion (Seyssel, 1990); Barbara Diefendorf, Beneath the Cross: Catholics and Huguenots in Sixteenth-Century Paris (New York, 1991). Некоторые ученые пытаются доказать, что Дэвис ошибалась, описывая данный конфликт как «глубоко религиозный», поскольку в то время религия все еще охватывала все стороны человеческой деятельности; см.: Cavanaugh, Myth of Religious Violence, pp. 159–60
M. P. Holt, The French Wars of Religion, 1562–1629 (Cambridge, UK, 1995), pp. 17–18
Bossy, ‘Unrethinking the Sixteenth-Century Wars of Religion’, pp. 278–80
Virginia Reinberg, ‘Liturgy and Laity in Late Medieval and Reformation France, ’ Sixteenth-Century Journal, 23 (Autumn 1992)
Holt, French Wars of Religion, pp. 18–21
Ibid., pp. 50–51
J. H. M. Salmon, Society in Crisis: France in the Sixteenth Century (New York, 1975), p. 198; Henry Heller, Iron and Blood: Civil Wars in Sixteenth-Century France (Montreal, 1991), p. 63
Holt, French Wars of Religion, p. 99; Salmon, Society in Crisis, pp. 176; 197.
Salmon, Society in Crisis, pp. 204–05
Holt, French Wars of Religion, pp. 50–51
Heller, Iron and Blood, pp. 209–11
Ibid., p. 126
Holt, French Wars of Religion, pp. 156–57; Salmon, Society in Crisis, pp. 282–91
Salmon, Society in Crisis, pp. 3–4, 126, 168–69; Cavanaugh, Myth of Religious Violence, pp. 173–74
Cavanaugh, Myth of Religious Violence, pp. 147–50
Geoffrey Parker, The Thirty Years War (London, 1984), pp. 29–33, 59–64
Ibid., p. 195
Dunn, Age of Religious Wars, pp. 71–72
William H. McNeill, Pursuit of Power: Technology, Armed Force and Society since AD 1000 (Chicago, 1982), pp. 120–23; Robert L. O’Connell, Of Arms and Men: A History of War, Weapons and Aggression (New York and Oxford, 1999), pp. 143–44
McNeill, Pursuit of Power, pp. 121–23
Parker, Thirty Years War, pp. 127–28
Jeremy Black, ‘Warfare, Crisis and Absolutism’, in Cameron, Early Modern Europe, p. 211
Parker, Thirty Years War, p. 142
Ibid., pp. 216–17
Cavanaugh, Myth of Religious Violence, p. 159; John Bossy, Christianity in the West, 1400–1700 (Oxford, 1985), pp. 170–1
Andrew R. Murphy, ‘Cromwell, Mather and the Rhetoric of Puritan Violence’, in Andrew R. Murphy, ed., The Blackwell Companion to Religion and Violence (Chichester, 2011), pp. 528–34
Thomas Carlyle, ed., Oliver Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches, 3 vols (New York, 1871), 1, p. 154
Ibid., 2, pp. 153–54
Cavanaugh, Myth of Religious Violence, p. 172
Ann Hughes, The Causes of the English Civil War (London, 1998), p. 25
Ibid., pp. 10–25, 58–59, 90–97
Ibid., p. 89
Ibid., p. 85. [Цит. по: Законодательство Английской революции. – М.: Издательство АН СССР, 1946. – Прим. пер.]
Cavanaugh, Myth of Religious Violence, pp. 160–72
Parker, Thirty Years War, p. 172
Jan N. Brenner, ‘Secularization: Notes toward the Genealogy’, in Henk de Vries, ed., Religion: Beyond a Concept (New York, 2008), p. 433
Heinz Schilling, ‘War and Peace at the Emergence of Modernity: Europe between State Belligerence, Religious Wars and the Desire for Peace in 1648’, in Bussman and Schilling, War and Peace in Europe, p. 14
Thomas Ertman, Birth of the Leviathan: Building States and Regimes in Early Modern Europe (Cambridge, 1997), p. 4
Salmon, Society in Crisis, p. 13
Cavanaugh, Myth of Religious Violence, pp. 72–85; Russell T. McCutcheon, ‘The Category “Religion” and the Politics of Tolerance’, in Arthur L. Greil and David G. Bromley, eds, Defining Religion: Investigating the Boundaries between the Sacred and the Secular (Oxford, 2003), pp. 146–52; Derek Peterson and Darren Walhof, ‘Rethinking Religion’, in Peterson and Walhof, eds, The Invention of Religion, pp. 3–9; David E. Gunn, ‘Religion, Law and Violence’, in Murphy, Blackwell Companion, pp. 105–07
Edward, Lord Herbert, De Veritate, trans. Meyrick H. Carre (Bristol, UK, 1937), p. 303
Ibid., p. 298
Edward, Lord Herbert, De Religio Laici, trans. and ed. Harold L. Hutcheson (New Haven, Conn., 1944), p. 127
Thomas Hobbes, Behemoth; or, The Long Parliament, ed. Frederick Tönnies (Chicago, 1990), p. 55
Ibid., p. 95
Thomas Hobbes, On the Citizen, ed. Richard Tuck and Michael Silverthorne (Cambridge, 1998), 3.26; Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, ed. Richard Tuck (Cambridge, 1991), p. 223 (Гоббс Т. Левиафан. – М.: Мысль, 2001.)
Hobbes, Leviathan, pp. 315, 431–34
Ibid., p. 31
Ibid., p. 27
Ibid., p. 17
John Locke, A Letter Concerning Toleration (Indianapolis, 1955), p. 15.
John Locke, Two Treatises of Government, ed. Peter Laslett (Cambridge, 1988), ‘Second Treatise’, 5. 24 (Локк Дж. Два трактата о правлении. – М.: Канон+, 2014.)
Ibid., 5.120–21
Ibid., 5.3
Hugo Grotius, Rights of War and Peace, in Three Books (London, 1738), 2.2.17, 2.20.40 (Гроций Г. О праве войны и мира. – М.: Ладомир, 1994.); Tuck, Rights of War and Peace, pp. 103–04
Hobbes, On the Citizen, ed. Tuck, 30
Donne, Sermons of John Donne, ed. George R. Potter and Evelyn M. Simpson (Berkeley, 1959), 4, p. 274
John Cotton and Thomas Morton, ‘New English Canaan’ (1634–35) and John Cotton, ‘God’s Promise to His Plantations’ (1630), in Alan Heimart and Andrew Delbanco, eds, The Puritans in America: A Narrative Anthology (Cambridge, Mass., 1985), pp. 49–50
Kevin Phillips, The Cousins’ Wars: Religious Politics and the Triumph of Anglo-America (New York, 1999), pp. 3–32; Carla Garden Pesteria, Protestant Empire: Religion and the Making of the British Atlantic World (Philadelphia, 2004), pp. 503–15; Clement Fatoric, ‘The Anti-Catholic Roots of Liberal and Republican Conception of Freedom in English Political Thought’, Journal of the History of Ideas, 66 (January 2005)
John Winthrop, ‘A Model of Christian Charity’, in Heimart and Delbanco, Puritans in America, p. 91
John Winthrop, ‘Reasons to Be Considered for… the Intended Plantation in New England’ (1629), in ibid., p. 71
Winthrop, ‘Model of Christian Charity’, in ibid., p. 82
John Cotton, ‘God’s Promise’, in ibid., p. 77
Cushman, ‘Reasons and Considerations Touching the Lawfulness of Removing out of England into the Parts of America’, in ibid., pp. 43–44
Perry Miller, ‘The Puritan State and Puritan Society’, in Errand into the Wilderness (Cambridge, Mass., and London, 1956), pp. 148–49
John Smith, ‘A True Relation’, in Edwin Arber and A. C. Bradley, eds, John Smith: Works (Edinburgh, 1910), p. 957
Perry Miller, ‘Religion and Society in the Early Literature of Virginia’, in Errand, pp. 104–05
William Crashaw, A Sermon Preached in London before the right honourable Lord werre, Lord Gouernour and Captaine Generall of Virginea (London, 1610), in ibid., pp. 111, 138
Ibid., p. 101
David S. Lovejoy, Religious Enthusiasm in the New World: Heresy to Revolution (Cambridge, Mass., and London, 1985), pp. 11–13; Louis B. Wright, Religion and Empire: The Alliance between Piety and Commerce in English Expansion, 1558–1625 (Chapel Hill, 1943); Miller, ‘Religion and Society’, pp. 105–08.
Samuel Purchas, Hakluytus Posthumous, or Purchas His Pilgrim, 3 vols (Glasgow, 1905–06), 1, pp. 1–45.
‘A True Declaration of the Estate of the Colonie in Virginia’ (1610), in Peter Force, ed., Tracts (New York, 1844), 3, pp. 5–6
Miller, ‘Religion and Society’, pp. 116–17
Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States: From 1492 to the Present, 2nd ed. (London and New York, 1996), p. 12
Ibid., p. 13
Andrew Preston, Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith: Religion in American War and Diplomacy (New York and Toronto, 2012), pp. 15–17
Purchas, Hakluytus Posthumous, 1, pp. xix, 41–45, 220–22, 224, 229
Ibid., pp. 138–39
Preston, Sword of the Spirit, pp. 31–38