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Словарь американских идиом (8000 единиц)
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[in passing] <adv. phr.> While talking about that subject; as extra information; also. * /Our teacher showed us different kinds of flowers and told us in passing that those flowers came from her garden./ * /The writer of the story says he grew up in New York and mentions in passing that his parents came from Italy./ Compare: BY THE WAY.

[in person] also [in the flesh] <adv. phr.> Yourself; personally. * /A TV actor appeared in person today in school./ * /The governor cannot march in the parade in person today, but his wife wilt march./ Compare: FACE-TO-FACE(2). Contrast: INSTEAD OF.

[in place(1)] <adv. phr.> 1a. In the right or usual place or position. * /Nothing is in place after the earthquake. Even trees and houses are turned over./ * /The picture is not in place on the wall. It is crooked./ 1b. In one place. * /Our first exercise in gym class was running in place./ 2. In proper order. * /Stay in place in line, children./ Compare: IN ORDER. Contrast: OUT OF PLACE.

[in place(2)] <adj. phr.> In the right place or at the right time; suitable; timely. * /A dog is not in place in a church./ * /Linda wondered if it would be in place to wish the bride good luck after the wedding./ Compare: IN ORDER(1). Contrast: OUT OF PLACE.

[in place of] See: INSTEAD OF.

[in plain English] <adv. phr.> Plainly; simply; in clear language. * /Stop healing around the bush and saying that John "prevaricates"; in plain English he is a liar./

[in poor shape] <adv. phr.> In a bad condition. * /Most of the streets of Chicago are in poor shape due to the heavy snow and frost during the winters./

[in practice(1)] also [into practice] <adv. phr.> In actual doing. * /The idea sounds good but will it work in practice?/ * /It is easy to say that we will he good. It is harder to put the saying into practice./

[in practice(2)] <adj. phr.> In proper condition to do something well through practice. * /A pianist gets his fingers in practice by playing scales./ * /An ice-skater keeps in practice by skating every day./ Compare: IN SHAPE. Contrast: OUT OF PRACTICE.

[in print] <adj. phr.> Obtainable in printed form from a printer or publisher; printed. * /The author has finished writing his book but it is not yet in print./ * /The story of the students' trip to Washington appeared in print in the newspaper./ * /It is a very old book and no longer in print./ Contrast: OUT OF PRINT.

[in private] <adj.> or <adv. phr.> Not openly or in public; apart from others; confidentially; secretly. * /Mr. Jones waited until they were home in private before he punished his son./ * /The teacher told Susan that she wanted to talk to her in private after class./ Compare: IN SECRET. Contrast: IN PUBLIC.

[in progress] <adj. phr.> Going ahead; being made or done; happening. * /Plans are in progress to build a new school next year./ * /A dog ran out on the playing field while the game was in progress./ Contrast: IN CHECK.

[in public] <adv. phr.> 1. In a place open to the people; in such a way that the public may see, hear, or know; not secretly; openly. * /Two boys down the street are dancing in public for pennies./ * /Actors are used to appearing in public./ * /The mayor has told his friends that he is sick but will not admit it in public./ Contrast: IN PRIVATE. 2. See: AIR ONE'S DIRTY LINEN IN PUBLIC or WASH ONE'S DIRTY LINEN IN PUBLIC.

[in question] <adj. phr.> 1. In doubt; in dispute; being argued about or examined. * /I know Bill would he a good captain for the team. That is not in question. But does he want to be captain?/ Contrast: BEYOND QUESTION. 2. Under discussion; being talked or thought about. * /The girls in question are not in school today./ * /On the Christmas Day in question, we could not go to Grandmother's house, as we do every year./

[in quest of] See: IN SEARCH OF.

[in reason] <adv. phr.>, <formal> Following the rules of reasoning; sensibly; reasonably. * /One cannot in reason doubt that freedom is better than slavery./

[in reference to] or [with reference to] or [in regard to ] or [with regard to] <prep.> In connection with; from the standpoint of; concerning; regarding; about. * /I am writing with reference to your last letter./ * /He spoke in reference to the Boy Scouts./ * /I spoke to him with regard to his low marks./ * /In regard to the test tomorrow, it is postponed./ Compare: IN RELATION TO, IN RESPECT TO.

[in regard to] See: IN REFERENCE TO.

[in relation to] or [with relation to] <prep.> In connection with; in dealing with; as concerns; in comparison to; respecting; about. * /Father spoke about school in relation to finding a job when we are older./ * /What did you say in relation to what happened yesterday?/ * /With relation to his job, skill is very important./ * /In relation to Texas, Rhode Island is quite a small state./ Compare: IN REFERENCE TO, IN RESPECT TO.

[in respect to] or [with respect to] In connection with; related to, about; on. * /The teacher told stories about Washington and Lincoln in respect to the importance of being honest./ * /In respect to your visit with us, we hope you can come before September./ * /There was no shortage in respect to food./ Compare: AS TO, IN REFERENCE TO, IN RELATION TO.

[in return] <adv. phr.> In order to give back something; as payment; in recognition or exchange. - Often used with "for". * /Bud gave me his knife and I gave him marbles in return./ * /The lady helped Mother when she was sick and in return Mother often invited her to dinner./ * /How much did John give you in return for your bicycle?/ * /I hit him in return for the time he hit me./ * /I wrote Dad a letter and got a package in return./

[in reverse] <adj.> or <adv. phr.> In a backward direction; backward. * /John hit the tree behind him when he put the car in reverse without looking first./ * /The first of the year Bob did well in school but then he started moving in reverse./

[in round figures] <adv. phr.> As an estimated number; as a rounded-off figure containing no decimals or fractions. * /Skip the cents and just tell me in round figures how much this car repair will cost./

[in round numbers] See: IN ROUND FIGURES.

[ins and outs] <n. phr.> The special ways of going somewhere or doing something; the different parts. * /The janitor knows all the ins and outs of the big school building./ * /Jerry's father is a good life insurance salesman; he knows all the ins and outs of the business./

[in search of] or <literary> [in quest of] <prep.> Seeking or looking for; in pursuit of. * /Many men went West in search of gold./ * /The hunter stayed in the woods all day in quest of game./ * /We looked everywhere in search of our dog./

[in season] <adv.> or <adj. phr.> 1. <literary> At the proper or best time. * /Fred's father told him that he was not old enough yet but that he would learn to drive in season./ 2a. At the right or lawful time for hunting or catching. * /Deer will be in season next week./ * /In spring we'll go fishing when trout are in season./ 2b. At the right time or condition for using, eating, or marketing; in a ripe or eatable condition. * /Christmas trees will be sold at the store in season./ * /Native tomatoes will be in season soon./ * /Oysters are in season during the "R" months./ Compare: IN GOOD TIME. Contrast: OUT OF SEASON.

[in secret] <adv. phr.> In a private or secret way; in a hidden place. * /The miser buried his gold in secret and no one knows where it is./ * /The robbers went away in secret after dark./ Compare: IN PRIVATE.

[in shape] or [in condition] <adj. phr.> In good condition; able to perform well. * /The football team will he in shape for the first game of the season./ * /Mary was putting her French in shape for the lest./ Compare: IN PRACTICE. Contrast: OUT OF SHAPE.

[in short] See: IN BRIEF.

[in short order] <adv. phr.> Without delay; quickly. * /Johnny got ready in short order after his father said that he could come to the ball game if he was ready in time./

[in short supply] <adj. phr.> Not enough; in too small a quantity or amount; in less than the amount or number needed. * /The cookies are in short supply, so don't eat them all up./ * /We have five people and only four beds, so the beds are in short supply./

[inside] See: STEP INSIDE.

[inside and out] See: INS AND OUTS, INSIDE OUT(2).

[inside of] <prep.> In; within; on or in an inside part of; not beyond; before the end of. * /There is a broom inside of the closet./ * /There is a label on the inside of the box./ * /Hand your papers in to me inside of three days./ Contrast: OUTSIDE OF.

[inside out] <adv.> 1. So that the inside is turned outside. * /Mother turns the stockings inside out when she washes them./ 2. or [inside and out] also [in and out] In every part; throughout; completely. * /David knows the parts of his bicycle inside out./ * /We searched the house inside and out for the kitten./ Compare: BACKWARDS AND FORWARDS, INS AND OUTS, THROUGH AND THROUGH.

[inside track] <n. phr.> 1. The inside, shortest distance around a curved racetrack; the place that is closest to the inside fence. * /A big white horse had the inside track at the start of the race./ 2. <informal> An advantage due to special connections or information. * /I would probably get that job if I could get the inside track./

[insofar as ] <conj.> To the extent that; to the point that; as much as. * /You will learn your lessons only insofar as you are willing to keep studying them./

[in so many words] <adv. phr.> 1. In those exact words. * /He hinted that he thought we were foolish but did not say so in so many words./ 2. or [in no uncertain terms] In an outspoken way; plainly; directly. * /I told him in so many words that he was crazy./ * /Bob was very late for their date, and Mary told Bob in no uncertain terms what she thought of him./ Compare: WORDS OF ONE SYLLABLE.

[in someone else's shoes] See: IN ONE'S SHOES.

[insomuch as] See: INASMUCH AS.

[in spite of] <prep. phr.> Against the influence or effect of; in opposition to; defying the effect of; despite. * /In spite of the bad storm John delivered his papers on time./ * /In spite of all their differences, Joan and Ann remain friends./

[instance] See: FOR EXAMPLE or FOR INSTANCE.

[in state] See: LIE IN STATE.

[instead of] or [in place of] also <formal> [in lieu of] <prep.> In the place of; in substitution for; in preference to; rather than. * /I wore mittens instead of gloves./ * /The grown-ups had coffee but the children wanted milk in place of coffee./ * /The boys went fishing instead of going to school./ * /The Vice-President talked at the meeting in place of the President, because the President was sick./ * /The magician appeared on the program in lieu of a singer./ Compare: IN PERSON.

[in step] <adv.> or <adj. phr.> 1. With the left or right foot stepping at the same time as another's or to the beat of music; in matching strides with another person or persons. * /The long line of soldiers marched all in step: Left, right! Left, right!/ * /Johnny marched behind the band in step to the music./ 2. In agreement; abreast. - Often followed by "with". * /Mary wanted to stay in step with her friends and have a doll too./ Contrast: OUT OF STEP.

[in stitches] <adj. phr.>, <informal> Laughing so hard that the sides ache; in a fit of laughing hard. * /The comedian was so funny that he had everyone who was watching him in stitches./

[in stock] <adj. phr.> Having something ready to sell dr use; in present possession or supply; to be sold. * /The store had no more red shoes in stock, so Mary chose brown ones instead./ Compare: IN STORE, ON HAND. Contrast: OUT OF STOCK.

[in store] <adj.> or <adv. phr.> 1. Saved up in case of need; ready for use or for some purpose. * /If the electricity goes off, we have candles in store in the closet./ * /The squirrel has plenty of nuts in store for the winter./ Compare: IN RESERVE, IN STOCK, ON HAND. 2. Ready to happen; waiting. - Often used in the phrase "hold in store" or "have in store". * /What does the future hold in store for the boy who ran away?/ * /There is a surprise in store for Helen when she gets home./

[in stride] See: TAKE IN STRIDE.

[in substance] <adv. phr.> In important facts; in the main or basic parts; basically; really. * /In substance the weather report said that it will be a nice day tomorrow./ * /The two cars are the same in substance, except one is red and the other is red and white./



[in terms of] <prep.> 1. In the matter of; on the subject of; especially about; about. * /He spoke about books in terms of their publication./ * /What have you done in terms affixing the house?/ * /The children ate a great many hot dogs at the party. In terms of money, they ate $20 worth./ 2. As to the amount or number of. * /We swam a great distance. In terms of miles, it was three./

[in that] <conj.> For the reason that; because. * /I like the city, but I like the country better in that I have more friends in the country./

[in the air] <adv. phr.> 1. In everyone's thoughts. * /Christmas was in the air for weeks before./ * /The war filled people's thoughts every day; it was in the air./ Compare: IN THE WIND. 2. Meeting the bodily senses; surrounding you so as to be smelled or felt. * /Spring is in the air./ * /Rain is in the air./ 3. See: LEAVE HANGING, UP IN THE AIR.

[in the back] See: STAB IN THE BACK.

[in the bag] <adj. phr.>, <informal> Sure to be won or gotten; certain. * /Jones had the election in the bag after the shameful news about his opponent came out./ * /We thought we had the game in the bag./ Compare: SEWED UP.

[in the balance] See: HANG IN THE BALANCE.

[in the bargain] or [into the bargain] <adv. phr.> In addition; besides; also. * /Frank is a teacher, and an artist into the bargain./ * /The heat failed, and then the roof began to leak in the bargain./ Compare: TO BOOT, FOR GOOD MEASURE.

[in the black] <adv.> or <adj. phr.>, <informal> In a successful or profitable way; so as to make money. * /The big store was running in the black./ * /A business must stay in the black to keep on./ Contrast: IN THE RED.

[in the blood] See: RUN IN THE BLOOD or RUN IN THE FAMILY.

[in the bud] See: NIP IN THE BUD.

[in the can] <adj.>, <slang>, <movie jargon> Ready; finished; completed; about to be duplicated and distributed to exhibitors. * /No sneak previews until it's all in the can!/ * /Once my book's in the can, I'll go for a vacation./

[in the cards] also [on the cards] <adj. phr.>, <informal> To be expected; likely to happen; foreseeable; predictable. * /It was in the cards for the son to succeed his father as head of the business./ * /John finally decided that it wasn't in the cards for him to succeed with that company./

[in the charge of] See: IN CHARGE OF(2).

[in the chips] <slang> or <informal> [in the money] <adj. phr.> Having plenty of money; prosperous; rich. * /After his rich uncle died, Richard was in the chips./ * /After years of struggle and dependence, air transportation is in the money./ Compare: ON EASY STREET, WELL-TO-DO.

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