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Неизвестен Автор - Словарь американских идиом (8000 единиц)

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[into account] See: TAKE INTO ACCOUNT.

[into a nose dive] See: oo INTO A TAIL SPIN or GO INTO A NOSE DIVE.

[into a tail spin] See: GO INTO A TAIL SPIN.

[into commission] See: IN COMMISSION.

[into effect] <adv. phr.> Into use or operation. * /The new rule was put into effect at once./ * /The judge ordered the old suspended penalty into effect./

[into hot water] See: HOT WATER.

[into line] <adv. phr.> 1. Into agreement. * /The department's spending was brought into line with the budget./ 2. Under control. * /Independent congressmen were brought into line by warnings that jobs for their friends would be kept back./ * /The players who had broken training rules fell into line when the coach warned them that they would he put off the team./

[into one's blood] See: IN ONE'S BLOOD.

[into one's head] See: BEAT INTO ONE'S HEAD, TAKE INTO ONE'S HEAD.

[into one's own] See: COME INTO ONE'S OWN.

[into one's own hands] See: TAKE THE LAW INTO ONE'S OWN HANDS.

[into one's shell] See: IN ONE'S SHELL.

[into one's shoes] See: STEP INTO ONE'S SHOES.

[into practice] See: IN PRACTICE.

[into question] <adv. phr.> Into doubt or argument. - Usually used with "call", "bring" or "come". * /This soldier's courage has never been called into question./ * /If a boy steals, his parents' teaching comes into question./

[into the bargain] See: IN THE BARGAIN.


[into the ground] See: RUN INTO THE GROUND.

[into the hands of] See: PLAY INTO THE HANDS OF.

[into thin air] <adv. phr.> Without anything left; completely. * /When Bob returned to the room, he was surprised to find that his books had vanished into thin air./ Compare: OUT OF THIN AIR.

[in toto] <adv. phr.> As a whole; in its entirety; totally; altogether. * /The store refused the advertising agency's suggestion in toto./ * /They bought the newspaper business in toto./ * /The paving job was accepted in toto./ (Latin, meaning "in the whole.")

[in touch] <adj. phr.> Talking or writing to each other; giving and getting news. * /John kept in touch with his school friends during the summer./ * /Police anywhere in the U.S. can get in touch instantly with any other police department by teletype./ * /The man claimed to be in touch with people on another planet./ Compare: KEEP TRACK. Contrast: OUT OF TOUCH.

[in tow] <adj. phr.> 1. Being pulled. * /The tugboat had the large ocean liner in tow as they came into the harbor./ * /An engine came with a long string of cars in tow./ 2. Being taken from place to place; along with someone. * /Janet took the new girl in tow and showed her where to go./ * /Mrs. Hayes went to the supermarket with her four little children in tow./

[in trust] <adv.> or <adj. phr.> In safe care for another. * /The money was held by the hank in trust for the widow./ * /At his death Mr. Brown left a large sum in trust for his son until he was twenty-five./

[in tune] <adv.> or <adj. phr.> 1. At the proper musical pitch; high or low enough in sound. * /The piano is in tune./ 2. Going well together; in agreement; matching; agreeable. - Often used with "with". * /In his new job, John felt in tune with his surroundings and his associates./ Contrast: OUT OF TUNE.

[in turn] <adv. phr.> According to a settled order; each following another. * /Each man in turn got up and spoke./ * /Two teachers supervised the lunch hour in turn./ * /Two of the three boys tease their younger brother - John, the biggest, teases Bob, the middle boy; and Bob in turn teases Tim, the youngest./ Compare: IN ORDER.

[in two] <adv. phr.> Into two parts or pieces; into two divisions. * /John and Mary pulled on the wishbone until it came in two./ * /There was only one piece of cake, but we cut it in two./ Syn.: IN HALF.

[in two shakes of a lamb's tail] <adv.>, <informal> Quickly; in no time at all. * /I'll be back in two shakes of a lamb's tail./

[in --- up to the] See: UP TO THE --- IN.

[in vain] <adv. phr.> 1. Without effect; without getting the desired result; without success. * /The drowning man called in vain for help./ * /To cry over spilled milk is to cry in vain./ Compare: GO FOR NOTHING, NO USE. 2. See: TAKE ONE'S NAME IN VAIN.

[in view] <adv.> or <adj. phr.> 1. In sight; visible. * /We came around a bend and there was the ocean in view./ 2. As a purpose, hope, or expectation. * /John had his son's education in view when he began to save money./ * /The end that we must keep always in view is peace with justice./ Compare: EYE TO.

[in view of] <prep.> After thinking about; because of. * /Schools were closed for the day in view of the heavy snowstorm./ * /In view of rising labor costs, many companies have turned to automation./ Syn.: IN THE LIGHT OF.

[in virtue of] See: BY VIRTUE OF.

[in wait] See: LIE IN WAIT.

[in with] <prep.> In friendship, favor, or closeness with; in the trust or liking of. * /We trusted on Byrd's being in with the mayor, not knowing that the mayor no longer liked him./ * /It took the new family some time to get in with their neighbors./

[I.O.U.] <adj. phr.> I owe you, abbreviated; a promissory note. * /I had to borrow some money from John and, in order to remind both of us, I wrote him an I.O.U. note for $250./


[iron horse] <n.>, <informal> A railroad locomotive; the engine of a railroad train. * /In its first days, the iron horse frightened many people as it roared across country scattering sparks./

[iron in the fire] <n. phr.> Something you are doing; one of the projects with which a person is busy; job, * /John had a number of irons in the fire, and he managed to keep all of them hot./ - Usually used in the phrase "too many irons in the fire". * /"Ed has a dozen things going all the time, but none of them seem to work out." "No wonder. He has too many irons in the fire."/

[iron out] <v.>, <informal> To discuss and reach an agreement about (a difference); find a solution for (a problem); remove (a difficulty). * /The company and its workers ironed out their differences over hours and pay./ * /The House and Senate ironed out the differences between their two different tax bills./ Compare: MAKE UP(5).


[island] See: SAFETY ISLAND.

[issue] See: AT ISSUE, TAKE ISSUE.

[is that so] <informal> 1. Oh, indeed? That's interesting. - Used in simple acceptance or reply. * /"The Republicans have pulled a trick at city hall." "Is that so?"/ 2. Surely not? - Used in disbelief or sarcasm. * /"The moon is made of green cheese." "Is that so?"/ * /"I'm going to take your girlfriend to the dance," said Bob. "Oh, is that so!" said Dick. "Try it and you'll be sorry."/

[itching palm] <n.>, <slang> A wish for money; greed. * /He was born with an itching palm./ * /The bellboys in that hotel seem always to have itching palms./

[I tell you] See: I'LL SAY.

[I tell you what] See: I'LL TELL YOU WHAT.


[it figures] <informal sentence> It checks out; it makes sense; it adds up. * /It figures that Bob got the highest raise at our firm; he is the most productive salesman./

[it is an ill wind that blows nobody good] No matter how bad a happening is, someone can usually gain something from it. - A proverb. * /When Fred got hurt in the game John got a chance to play. It's an ill wind that blows nobody good./

[it never rains but it pours] One good thing or bad thing is often followed by others of the same kind. - A proverb, * /John got sick, then his brothers and sisters all got sick. It never rains but it pours./

[it's a cinch] <informal sentence> It is very easy. * /"What about the final exam?" Fred asked. "It was a cinch" Sam answered./ Compare: PIECE OF CAKE.

[it's a deal] <informal sentence> Consider it done; OK; it is agreed. * /"How much for this used car?" Bill asked. "Two thousand," the man answered. "I'll give $1,500," Bill said. "It's a deal!" the owner answered as they sealed the transaction./

[it's been ---, it's been real] <informal> Shortened form for "it has been real nice (being with you)" - used colloquially between very close friends.

[itself] See: END IN ITSELF.

[it's high time] <informal sentence> It is overdue. * /It is high time for John Browning to be promoted to full professor; he has written a great deal but his books went unnoticed./

[Ivy League] <n.> A small group of the older and more famous eastern U.S. colleges and universities. * /Several Ivy League teams play each other regularly each year./ * /Harvard, Yale, and Princeton were the original Ivy League./




[jack of all trades] <n.>, <informal> (Often followed by the words "master of none.") A person who is knowledgeable in many areas. Can be used as praise, or as a derogatory remark depending on the context and the intonation. * /Peter is a jack of all trades; he can survive anywhere!/ * /"How come Joe did such a sloppy job?" Mary asked. "He's a jack of all trades," Sally answered./

[jackpot] See: HIT THE JACKPOT.

[jack-rabbit start] <n.>, <informal> A very sudden start from a still position; a very fast start from a stop. * /Bob made a jack-rabbit start when the traffic light turned green./


[jack up] <v.> 1. To lift with a jack. * /The man jacked up his car to fit a flat tire./ 2. <informal> To make (a price) higher; raise. * /Just before Christmas, some stores jack up their prices./

[jailbait] <n.>, <slang> A girl below the legal age of consent for sex; one who tempts you to intimacy which is punishable by imprisonment. * /Stay away from Arabella, she is a jailbait./

[jailbird] <n.>, <informal> A convict; someone who is in jail or has been recently released from prison. * /Because Harry was a jailbird, it was understandably hard for him to find a job after being imprisoned./

[jake flake] <n.>, <slang> A boring person whose company is usually not wanted. * /Please don't invite Turner, he is a jake flake./

[jar on] <v. phr.> To irritate. * /The constant construction noise was beginning to jar on the nerves of the members of the meeting./

[jaw] See: GLASS JAW.

[jawbreaker] <n.> 1. A large piece of hard candy or bubblegum. * /Billy asked his mother for a quarter to buy some jawbreakers and a chocolate bar./ 2. [informal] A word or name that is hard to pronounce. * /His name, Nissequogue, is a real jawbreaker./

[jaw drop] or [jaw drop a mile] <informal> Mouth fall wide open with surprise. - Used with a possessive. * /Tom's jaw dropped a mile when he won the prize./

[jaws tight] <adj.>, <slang>, <informal> Angry; uptight; tense. * /Why are you getting your jaws so tight?/

[jazz up] <v.>, <slang> To brighten up; add more noise, movement, or color; make more lively or exciting. * /The party was very dull until Pete jazzed it up with his drums./


[jerk] or [jerker] See: SODA JERK or SODA JERKER.

[jerry-built] <adj.> 1. Built poorly or carelessly of cheap materials; easily broken. * /That jerry-built cabin will blow apart in a strong wind./ 2. Done without careful preparation or thought; planned too quickly. * /When the regular television program didn't come on, a jerry-built program was substituted at the last minute./

[Jesus boots] or [Jesus shoes] <n.>, <slang> Men's sandals, particularly as worn by hippies and very casually dressed people. * /I dig your Jesus boots, man, they look cool./

[jig's up] See: GAME'S UP.

[jim-dandy] <n.>, <slang> Something wonderful; something very good. * /Tommy's new boat is really a jim-dandy! I wish I had one like it./

[jink] See: HIGH JINKS.


[Joe Doakes] <n.> A name used informally for the average man. * /Let us say that Joe Doakes goes to the movies three times a year./ Compare: MAN IN THE STREET, SO-AND-SO.

[John Doe] <n.> A name used for an unknown person, especially in police and law business. * /The alarm went out for a John Doe who stole the diamonds from the store./

[John Hancock] or [John Henry] <n.>, <informal> Your signature; your name in writing. * /The man said, "Put your John Hancock on this paper."/ * /Joe felt proud when he put his John Henry on his very first driver's license./

[Johnny-come-lately] <n.> Someone new in a place or group; newcomer; also: a new person who takes an active part in group affairs before tlie group has accepted him; upstart. * /Everybody was amazed when a Johnny-come-lately beat the old favorite in the race./ * /When it looked as though Mr. Brown had a good chance of winning, many Johnny-come-latelies began to support him./

[Johnny-on-the-spot] <adj. phr.> At the right place when needed; present and ready to help; very prompt; on time. * /A good waterboy is always Johnny-on-the-spot./ * /The firemen were Johnny-on-the-spot and put out the fire in the house soon after it started./ Compare: ON THE JOB.

[John Q. Public] <n.> A name used informally for the average citizen. * /It is John Q. Public's duty to vote at each election./ Compare: JOE DOAKES.

[join forces] or [join hands] <v. phr.> To get together for the same aim; group together for a purpose; unite. * /The students and the graduates joined forces to raise money when the gym burned down./ * /The American soldiers joined hands with the British in the war against Germany./ Compare: THROW IN ONE'S LOT WITH.

[join hands] See: JOIN FORCES.


[joke] See: CRACK A JOKE.

[joking apart] See: JOKING ASIDE.

[joking aside] or [joking apart] <v. phr.>, <informal> No fooling; without exaggerating: seriously. * /Joking aside, although the conditions were not very comfortable, we had a wonderful time./ * /Joking apart, there must have been over a hundred people in the room./


[jot down] <v. phr.> To quickly commit to writing; make a quick note of something. * /Let me jot down your address so that I can send you a postcard from Europe./

[judgment seat] <n.> A place where you are judged; a place where justice and punishment are given out. * /Mrs. Smith is so bossy, she always acts as though she is in the judgment seat./

[jug-eared] <adj.> With ears that stick out like the handles of a jug. * /Tommy was a redheaded, freckle-faced, jug-eared boy./


[juice dealer] <n.>, <slang> An underworld money lender who charges exorbitant fees to his clientele and frequently collects payment by physical force. * /No matter how broke you are, never go to a juice dealer./

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