См.: Elizabeth I: Collected Works, 194.
См.: The Secretes of the Reverende Maister Alexis of Piemount (London, 1558) – примеры популярных в эпоху Возрождения косметических средств и ингредиентов.
Philip Stubbes, The Anatomies of Abuses (London, 1583), 37. См. также: Laurie A. Finke, ‘Painting Women: Images of Femininity in Jacobean Tragedy’, Theatre Journal, 36 (1984), 357–370.
Thomas Drant, Two Sermons preached… the other at the Court of Windsor the Sonday after twelfth day being the viij of January, before in the yeare 1569 (London, 1570), подп. 15v.
Drant, Sermons, sig. 12v.
Father Rivers, ‘Letter of 13 January 1601’, см.: Henry Foley, Records of the English Province of the Society of Jesus: historic facts illustrative of the labours and sufferings of its members in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, in 7 vol. (London, 1877), I, 8, 24.
См.: Arnold, Queen Elizabeth’s Wardrobe Unlock’d, 23; Strong, Gloriana, 80.
См.: Alan Haynes, ‘The English Earthquake of 1580’, History Today (1979), 542–544.
P. Lake, M. Questier, ‘Puritans, Papists and the ‘‘public sphere’’ in early modern England: the Campion affair in context’, Journal of Modern History, lxxii (2000), 587–627.
The great bragge and challenge of M. Champion a Jesuite, commonlye called Edmunde Campion, lately arrived in Englande, contayninge nyne articles here severallye laide downe, directed by him to the Lordes of the Counsail (London, 1581).
TRP II: 481–484.
Neale, Elizabeth and her Parliaments, I, 383–384.
Цит. по: Hartley (comp.), Proceedings in the Parliaments, I, 504; BL Sloane MS 326, l. 19–29.
23 Eliz, ch. 1 in Statutes IV, 657–658.
TNA SP 83/29; 148/10.
23 Eliz, ch. 2 in Statutes IV, 659.
George Eliot, A very true report of the apprehension and taking of that Arche Papist Edmund Campion the Pope his right hand, with three other lewd Jesuite priests, and divers other Laie people, most seditious persons of like sort (London, 1581).
APC, 1581–1582, 144–145; Christopher Barker, A particular declaration or testimony, of the undutiful and traitorous affection borne against her Majestie by Edmond Campion Jesuite, and other condemned Priestes, witnessed by their owne confessions (London, 1582), sig. B1r – b4v. См. также: Brian Harrison (comp.), A Tudor Journal: the Diary of a Priest in the Tower 1580–1585 (London, 2000); Howell, State trials, I, 1049–1072; William Allen, A Briefe Historie of the Glorious Matyrdom of XII Reverent Priests (Rheims, 1582).
Thomas Alfield, A true reporte of the death & martyrdome of M. Campion Jesuite and preiste, & M. Sherwin, & M. Bryan preistes, at Tiborne the first of December 1581 (1582).
Harrison (comp.), A Tudor Journal, 208–209. О передаче сведений Джорджем Элиотом графу Лестеру см.: BL Lansdowne MS 33, l. 145r – 149r.
George Eliot, A very true report of the apprehension and taking of that Arche Papist, Edmund Campion, the Pope his right hand with three other Jesuit priests and divers other Laie people, most seditious persons of like sort (London, 1581).
APC, 1581–1582, 407.
Thomas Day, Wonderfvll Strange Sightes (London, 1583), sig. A2r.
H. Howard, A Defensative against the Poison of Supposed Prophecies (London, 1583).
TNA SP 12/163/23.
CSP Span, 1580–1586, 512, 651–652. О Сомервиле и его заговоре: TNA SP 12/163/21–22; TNA SP 12/163/26; TNA SP 12/163/28; TNA SP/163/4; BL Harleian MS 6035, l. 32–35; CSP Dom, 1581–1590, 128–130, 182. По сведениям одного иностранца, посетившего Лондон в 1598 г., тогда раскрыли 34 заговора, еще один иностранец, бывший в Лондоне в 1598 г., насчитал их более 30.
A Discoverie of the Treasons Practised and Attempted against the Queene’s Majestie and the Realme by Francis Throckmorton (London, 1584), репринт см.: The Harleian Miscellany (London, 1808–1813), III, 190–200.
BL Lansdowne MS 39, l. 193r.
‘A Discoverie of the Treasons Practised and Attempted’//The Harleian Miscellany, 190–200; John Bossy, Under the Molehill: An Elizabethan Spy Story (New Haven and London, 2001), 31–33, 84–86.
BL Stowe MS 1083, l. 17.
Raumer, Contributions, 256–257.
BL Cotton MS Caligula C viii, l. 204–206. Письмо без адреса и имени адресата, но рука Уильяма Эрла опознана; см.: John Bossy, Giordano Bruno and the Embassy Affair (New Haven and London, 1991), 206.
CSP Span, 1580–1586, 514; см.: D. L. Jensen, Diplomacy and Dogmatism: Bernardino de Mendoza and the French Catholic League (London, 1964), 59–64.
CSP Span, 1580–1586, 513; Мендоса 26 января 1584 г. сообщил Филиппу о том, что Елизавета требует, чтобы он покинул Англию. См.: CSP Span, 1580–1586, 515–516.
CSP Foreign, 1583–1584, 652–653.
CSP Foreign, 1577–1578, 140–141.
HMC Salisbury, III, 44–45.
TNA SP 12/173/81–83.
BL Harleian MS 1582, l. 390–391; перевод см.: Bossy, Bruno Affair, 217–218.
TNA SP 12/173/104.
TNA SP 12/174/10.
См.: David Cressy, ‘Binding the Nation: The Bonds of Association, 1584 and 1596’, см.: D. J. Guth, J. W. McKenna (comp.), Tudor Rule and Revolution (Cambridge, 1982), 217–234; Patrick Collinson, ‘The Elizabethan Exclusion Crisis and the Elizabethan Polity’, Proceedings of the British Academy, 84 (1994), 51–92; см. также: ‘The Monarchical Republic of Queen Elizabeth I’ // Elizabethan Essays (London, 1994).
TNA SP 12/174, № 10. См.: Cressy, ‘Binding the Nation’, 217–226.
TNA SP 12/173/88.
См.: Cressy, ‘Binding the Nation’, 217–234.
Elizabeth I: Collected works, 195.
BL Lansdowne MS 41, l. 45.
BL Sloane MS 326, l. 71.
27 Eliz, ch. 1 in Statutes IV, 704–705.