Borsa. English Stage. P. 5.
McQueen Pope. Gaiety. P. 405.
Здесь и далее – пер. Е. Суриц. (Прим. ред.)
Woolf. Mrs Dalloway. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1996. Рр. 2–3.
Ibid. Р. 9.
Lee H. Virginia Woolf. Chatto & Windus. 1996. Р. 552.
Woolf. Dalloway. Р. 15.
Light A. Forever England: Femininity, Literature and Conservatism between the Wars. London: Routledge, 1991. P. 115.
Struther J. Mrs Miniver. London: Virago, 1989. P. 14.
Lee H. The Novels of Virginia Woolf. London: Methuen, 1977. P. 94.
Priestly J.B. English Journey. London: Heinemann, 1934. Pp. 401–402.
Ibid. Pp. 402–403.
Llewellyn Smith H. (ed.). The New Survey of London Life & Labour. Vol. I. London: King & Son, 1930. P. 171.
Ibid. P. 191.
Ibid. Pp. 192–193.
Forester C.W. Success through Dress. London: Duckworth, 1925. P. 62.
Ibid. P. 27.
Ibid. Pp. 20–21.
Dobbs S.P. The Clothing Workers of Great Britain. London: Routledge, 1928. P. 4.
Ibid. P. 7.
Ibid. P. 70.
Llewellyn Smith H. (ed.). The New Survey of London Life & Labour. Vol. II. London: King & Son, 1931. P. 261.
Dobbs. The Clothing Workers. 8. P. 36.
Llewellyn Smith (ed.). The New Survey. Vol. II. P. 255.
Dobbs. The Clothing Workers. Pp. 77–78.
Llewellyn Smith (ed.). The New Survey. Vol. II. P. 305.
Ibid. P. 272.
Ibid. P. 283.
Settle A. Clothes Line. London: Methuen, 1937. Pp. 22–23.
В распоряжении Музея Лондона есть свадебное платье, соответствующее этому описанию. Хартнелл создал его для миссис Карл Бендикс, которая надела его на бал Dream of Fair Woman в феврале 1928 г. в отеле Claridges. Accession number 39.162a – c.
Graham S. London Nights. London: Hurst & Blackett, 1925. P. 1.
Schlor J. Nights in the Big City: Paris, Berlin, London 1840–1930. London: Reaktion, 1998. P. 269.
Graham. London Nights. Pp. 13–14.
Ibid. Pp. 195–196.
Schlor. Nights in the Big City. Pp. 172–174.
Graham. London Nights. P. 198.
Richards J. The Age of the Dream Palace: Cinema and Society in Britain 1930–1939. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1984. Pp. 15–33.
Llewellyn Smith H. (ed.). The New Survey of London Life & Labour. Vol. IX. London: King & Son, 1935. P. 47.
Richards. The Age of the Dream Palace. P. 209.
Ibid. P. 224.
Graham S. Twice Round the London Clock and More London Nights. London: Ernest Benn, 1933. Pp. 131–135.
Llewellyn Smith (ed.). New Survey. Vol. IX. Pp. 64–65.
Ibid. Pp. 51, 77.
Priestly J.B. Angel Pavement. London: William Heinemann, 1937. Pp. 501–502.
Пер. М. Абкиной. (Прим. ред.)
Garland M. The Indecisive Decade: The World of Fashion and Entertainment in the 30s. London: Macdonald & Co, 1968. Pp. 102–104.
Benjamin T. London Shops and Shopping. London: Herbert Joseph, 1934. Pp. 189–190.
Cohen-Portheim P. The Spirit of London. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1930. Pp. 41–47.
Benjamin. London Shops. P. 190.
Montizambert E. London Discoveries in Shops and Restaurants. London: Women Publishers Ltd., 1924. P. 81.
Marshall F. London West. London: The Studio, 1944. P. 9.
Settle. Clothes Line. P. 99.
Cohen-Portheim. Spirit of London. Pp. 41–42.
Montizambert. London Discoveries. P. 82.
Benjamin T. A Shopping Guide to London. N.Y.: Robert McBride, 1930. Pp. 91–92.
Montizambert. London Discoveries. P. 43.
Ibid. Pp. 37–40.
Cohen-Portheim. Spirit of London. P. 47.
Montizambert. London Discoveries. P. 50.
Cohen-Portheim. Spirit of London. P. 41.
Woolf V. Oxford Street Tide // The London Scene. London: Hogarth Press, 1975. Pp. 16–20. Также см.: Breward C. In the Eye of the Storm: Oxford Circus and the Fashioning of Modernity // Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture. Vol. 4.1. 2000. Pp. 3–26.
Montizambert. London Discoveries. Pp. 7–8.
Ibid. P. 9.
Benjamin. London Shops. P. 161.
Ibid. P. 179.
Ibid. P. 95.
Ibid. P. 106.
Halliday S. Underground to Everywhere: London’s Underground Railway in the Life of the Capital. Stroud: Sutton, 2001.
Llewellyn Smith (ed.). New Survey. Vol. I. P. 191.
Gren O. Underground Art: London Transport Posters. London: Laurence King, 1999. Pp. 14–15.
Ibid. P. 70.
Jackson A. Semi-Detached London: Suburban Development, Life and Transport 1900–1939. London: Allen & Unwin, 1973. P. 180.
Raymond L. Guide to Edgware. London: The British Publishing Company Ltd., 1927. Pp. 11–12.
Mill Hill and Edgware. London: Service, 1934. P. 2.
Ibid. P. 71.
Llewellyn Smith H. (ed.). The New Survey of London Life & Labour. Vol. V. London: King & Son, 1933. P. 163.
Ibid. Pp. 164–165.
Evans D.H. Mail Order Catalogue and Fashion Supplement. 1939. Guildhall Library. Pam 12379.
Carey J. The Intellectuals and the Masses. London: Faber & Faber, 1992.
Duff C. (ed.). Anthropological Report on a London Suburb by Prof. Chernichewski. London: Grayson & Grayson, 1935.
Humble N. The Feminine Middlebrow Novel, 1920s to 1950. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. Pp. 87–88, 131–132.
Browne K.R.G. Suburban Days. London: Cassell, 1928. P. 211.
Settle. Clothes Line. P. 86.
Amies H. Just so far. London: Collins, 1945. P. 245.
Буквально – «и так по сей день». (Прим. ред.)
Incorporated Society of London Fashion Designers. (Прим. пер.)
См.: Ehrman E. The Spirit of English Style: Hardy Amies, Royal Dressmaker and International Businessman // Breward C., Conekin B., Cox C. (eds). The Englishness of English Dress. Oxford: Berg, 2002. Pp. 140–142.
Эти трое – дизайнер интерьеров Питер Коутс, финансист Уильям Акройд (который консультировал Эмиса по вопросам графских привычек) и плейбой Марк Гилби.
Viscusi R. Max Beerbohm, or the Dandy Dante, Re-reading with Mirrors. Baltimore: John Hopkins university Press, 1986. P. 28.
Коды доступа в Музее Лондона: 60.30/2, 60.30/6, 60.30/8, 60.30/11.
Indian summer. (Прим. пер.)
Porter R. London: A Social History. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1994. P. 344.
Ричард Сейферт – архитектор, автор одного из первых лондонских небоскребов, Centre Point. (Прим. ред.)
Hopkins H. The New Look: A Social History of the Fortties and Fifties. London: Secker & Warburg, 1964. Pp. 427–428.
Smart Schmutter. (Прим. пер.)
MacInnes C. England, Half English: A Polyphoto of the Fifties. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966. P. 151.
Fyvel T. The Insecure Offenders: Rebellious Youth on the Welfare State. London: Chatto & Windus, 1961. Pp. 48–51.
Ibid. Pp. 14–15.
Hebdige D. Subculture: The Meaning of Style. London: Routledge, 1979. P. 51.
Pearson G. Hooligan: A History of Respectable Fears. London: Macmillan, 1983. Pp. 20–22.
Williams H. South London. London: Robert Hale, 1949. P. 331.
Ibid. P. 320.
Willcock H.D. Mass Observation Report on Juvenile Delinquency. London: Falcon Press, 1949. P. 41.
См.: Davies A. Leisure, Gender & Poverty: Worrking Class Culture in Salford & Manchester. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1992. См. также: Ugolini L. Clothes and the Modern Man in 1930s Oxford // Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture. 2000. Vol. 4.4.
Willcock H.D. Mass Observation Report on Juvenile Delinquency. London: Falcon Press, 1949. Pp. 50–51.
Ibid. P. 50.
Hopkins H. The New Look: A Social History of the Forties and Fifties. London: Secker & Warburg. 1964. Pp. 98–99.
Murphy R. Smash and Grab: Gangsters in the London Underworld 1920–1960. London: Faber & Faber, 1993. P. 85.
Fyvel T. The Insecure Offenders: Rebellious Youth on the Welfare State. London: Chatto & Windus, 1961. P. 52.
Вариант приталенного пиджака с мягкой драпировкой (припуском) на передних полочках, широкими плечами и рукавом, зауженным к запястью, покрой которого отличает плавная линия проймы и выраженная талия с клешеными полами. (Прим. ред.)
MacInnes C. England, Half English: A Polyphoto of the Fifties. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966. P. 150.
Я благодарен куратору отдела костюма Мадлен Гинзбург за эти воспоминания.
Chamberlain M. Growing Up in Lambeth. London: Virago, 1989. Pp. 78–79.
Sutherland D. Portrait of a Decade: London Life 1945–1955. London: Harrap, 1988. Pp. 49–50.
Ibid. P. 124.
Marshall F. London West. London: The Studio, 1944. P. 58.
British Travel and Holidays Association. (Прим. пер.)
Shopping in London. London: British Travel and Holidays Association, 1953. P. 27.
Whife A. (ed.). The Modern Tailor, Outfitter and Clothier. London: Caxton, 1949. P. 8.
Ibid. P. 262.
Ibid. Pp. 265–271.
Men’s Wear. 1947. 25 January. Р. 19.
Men’s Wear. 1952. 19 April. Р. 26.
Men’s Wear. 1952. 27 September. Р. 18.
Beaton C., Tynnan K. Persona Grata. London: Allan Wingate, 1953. Pp. 15–16.