shadow assassins
The White Hills have drunken my blood,
Red, red, the flowers.
Oh, when will I breathe free again?
Red, the flowers, red.
My face is pale, my hands are cold.
Red, red, the flowers.
My day is done, my night has come.
Red, the flowers, red.
darkling changers
Came the Highborn to Tentir
Randon training beckoned,
Came the Highborn to Tentir
Three lordans to the Keep.
Long long away,
No Knorth Heir neither Highlord
Abandoned by the Arrin-ken
And our God silent so long
Long long away
In the White Hills where is our honor?
Now three lordans enter Tentir
And we fear that all shall change.
заключительную строфу
Lully lully lullaby.
Dream of meadows, free of flies,
Dream of friends who never lie,
And of love that never dies.
But all life must end in sighs,
So lully lully lullaby.
Lully lully lullaby.
Remember that all men do lie,
If not in words, then deeds belie
And they will hunt you till you die
And then your mouth will fill with flies,
So lully lully lullaby.
Rider Jameth ne'er will be
Until the land o'erwhelms the sea.
Swords are flying, better duck.
Lady Jameth's run amuck.
The dead know only what concerns the dead
And what concerns the dead is more than death
Unsettled crimes and unrequited passions
All matters left unfinished in their fashions
Are whispered among those who lack for breath.
в англ.: a nemesis… без определённого артикля
cat's-paw waves
River Snake, River Snake, sleep deep.
I tread as softly as I can.
Gran Cyd
dark of the moon — затемнение луны
housebond — древняя форма слова husband — муж
earthbound trap — букв.: связанная с землёй ловушка
baying — лаять (обыкн. о крупных собаках типа охотничьих)
darkling changer
darkling wyrm
танцевальных наборов приёмов
changers — изменяющиеся
granddam, dam — матка
One Eye
scholars — учёные гуманитарии
soul image
Shadow Rock
Don't kill the messenger
badgering — шантажировать, клянчить
handsome — красивый (обычно о мужчинах)
Honor break me, darkness take me
Schist, по написанию и звучанию близко к shit — чушь собачья, дерьмо и т. д.
black snake root — скорцонера, козелец, чёрнокорень
sneak — доносчик, ябедник, пишется почти как snake — змея
алф. указатель
Down in a dark hall desperate footsteps
Seek out the safety of shadows and silence.
Beautiful Aerulan, Brenwyr's beloved
Clutches a child's hand, white-cheeked with fear.
Above, at the doorway already cold
Kinzi lies killed among cascades of crimson.
Sweet pale blooms promise protection
Concealment and comfort for cold Tieri.
A woven hanging hides her behind it,
Moon-garden entrance guarded by grace.
Aerulan invites assassins to her arms:
Her death distracts them from Tieri's trail.
Cut down like corn the women of Knorth.
Ashes blew black from blazing pyres.
Knorth's men, maddened made for the hills
Drinking full deep of destruction's draught.
Under her home's halls Tieri lay hidden
Last Knorth woman left all alone.
cur — злая, кусачая дворняга
practical joke
Day of Misrule
Фраза Драя: It's raining in the mountains, вероятно намекает на знаменитую строчку из мюзикла по пьесе Бернарда Шоу «Пигмалион»: It's raining mainly in the plain of Spain — На равнинах Испании идёт дождь. А ответ Гари: And dark on the other side of the moon — а на обратной стороне луны темно, возможно связан с названием альбома «The Dark Side of The Moon» — «Тёмная сторона Луны», группы Pink Floyd
double binds
цепь + верёвка
Commandant of Misrule, в старой Англии: Lord (Master) of Misrule — глава рождественских увеселений
high table — профессорский стол в столовой колледжа
consummated — довести до конца / вступить в брак
Breakneck Rock